Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
The Alliance to Restore the Republic


lthough the Empire's propaganda machine would
have the general populace believe the Rebellion is
nothing more than a ragtag bunch of pirates, malcon-
tents, and revolutionaries, the Alliance represents a
real threat to the New Order and hope for the galaxy.
The Alliance struggles in a truly titanic fight for sur-
vival, but it does so with a keen eye for the future it
desires. Nonetheless, desperate times do indeed call
for desperate measures, which can appeal to fringers
seeking opportunities for credits and altruism.


The Alliance structure is split into two major organiza-
tions, the Civil Government and the Military. Mon Moth-
ma, the elected Chief of State and Commander in Chief,
focuses most of her attention on civil issues and wisely
leaves military matters in more experienced hands.
While the recent successes of the military, especially
the destruction of the Death Star, have elevated the Al-
liance in the eyes of much of the galaxy, the political
and diplomatic maneuverings of the Civil Government
secure the vital long-term support needed to keep the
Rebellion going. Without the successful negotiations
with the Mon Calamari, who then provided access to
their renowned ship-building capabilities, the Alliance
would have died at Yavin.
While the Rebellion is founded on admirable ideals,
it must be pragmatic to survive. Though she is nowhere
near as ruthless as Palpatine, Mon Mothma is more

than willing to use tactics that may not qualify as par-
ticularly moral or above-board to obtain vital goals.
This is where enterprising fringers can benefit in
their dealings with Alliance representatives. Their cof-
fers may not match the Empire's, but there's enough
resources at hand for the Alliance to see to the needs
of those who do good work for them. From transport
of supplies and key personnel to acquiring key data
or items from secure locations, there are opportuni-
ties for those who choose to work behind the scenes
and in the shadows, breaking Imperial law.


By necessity, the Alliance runs as a benevolent dictator-
ship, placing ultimate power in the Chief of State's hands
in order to operate in effective opposition to the Empire.
Unlike Palpatine's advisors, however, the Alliance's Ad-
visory Council has a strong influence on Mon Mothma,
and she also has a Cabinet that works fairly efficiently to
administer the various functions of the Alliance govern-
ment. Some of these positions deal with current issues,
others prepare for the elusive day when the Alliance
may be able to operate as a real government.

Unlikely as it is that any fringer group would have di-
rect dealing with the highest echelons of the Alliance
Civil Government, it remains possible that a particularly
effective group may find itself brought to the attention
of those that run things from the top. Most likely, the
group would first encounter representatives of the Min-
ister of War or the Minister of Supply, since they're likely
to require a fringe group's services.


Long before fringers find themselves talk-
ing to the likes of Mon Mothma, they'll
get jobs from representatives of a
particular Allied Command. Though
larger military and related efforts
are run at the higher levels, day-
to-day administration, gover-
nance, and defense efforts are
managed by each of the Allied
Commands that are structured
under the Chief of State.

Right from the beginning,
Mon Mothma, Bail Organa,
and other founders of the
Alliance understood that
trying to homogenize all of

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