Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

the unique and dynamic cultures of the galaxy was to
be one of Palpatine's greatest failures, and a mistake
they had no desire to repeat. To that end, the structure
of the Alliance allows for each Allied organization that
signs on to remain an autonomous body, functioning in
the manner traditional and comfortable for its people.
The offices of the Chief of State and the Cabinet
Ministers are mimicked by each Allied Command, yet
these offices are filled by whatever analog makes the
most sense from that culture's point of view. As such,
the Secretary of Supply for a given Alliance member
state may be a hereditary post, a full council, or a
droid assigned to do the task.


Though directly under the command of the Alliance
Military, Alliance Intelligence operates fairly indepen-
dently, and has a strong role in both military and civil
matters. Not a single effort of political or economic
importance is undertaken by the Alliance's represen-
tatives without a thorough investigation and report by
Intelligence to the Ministers and the Chief of State.

The most likely path to working with the Rebellion is
through contact with Alliance Intelligence. This branch
most represents the willingness to do whatever it
takes to get the resources and information needed,
as well as to handle any direct threats to the survival
of the Alliance. This means its methods can be subtle,
secretive, and underhanded, and this makes fringers
an attractive source of talent for Intelligence agents in
need of help to get a job done.


The upper echelon of Alliance Intelligence is organized
into three branches: Intentions, Operations, and Coun-
ter-intelligence. The Chief of Intelligence—currently Gen-
eral Airen Cracken—and his staff run the entire opera-
tion, and report directly to both the Chief of State and
the Supreme Commanders of the rest of the military.

Intentions compiles data from untold sources and at-
tempts to predict the actions of the Imperial Military
and other assets. They do this with their Cryptology,
Analysis, and Interrogation divisions. At the same time,
Intentions oversees the Equipment division, which de-
signs and implements the various high-tech pieces of
equipment used for surveillance and other covert needs.
Operations, the largest of the three, fields the
teams and agents who perform direct actions against
the Empire. System Ops handles the majority of the
work—managing the networks of cells that see to the
intelligence needs on a key planet. For larger or more
involved projects, the Coordinate division takes charge;
they bring the best and brightest together to manage
long-term and delicate operations meant to bring down
entire Imperial organizations. The ironically named Pas-

sive Operations division performs the really dangerous
work, however. Comprised of the toughest and deadliest
commandos, assassins, and special forces types in the
Alliance, these operatives handle missions destined for
high casualty rates, including rescue operations, facility
destruction, and search-and-destroy missions.
The Counter-intelligence branch serves the primary
role of protecting the Alliance from internal dangers,
making its mission both vital and entirely unpopular.
They install Security division operatives in every single
other branch and division in the Alliance, on constant
alert for suspicious activity and any sign of infiltration.
Whenever someone becomes suspected of destructive
activity, the Retrieval division performs a full investiga-
tion and, if necessary, interrogation.


Should a group of fringers find itself in the employ of
Alliance Intelligence, they've most likely had contact
with a member of a Sector Command cell. The isolated
structure and strict contact protocols of these cells will
make it next to impossible for non-Alliance personnel
to make contact with anyone higher up the network
chain. However, truly effective work combined with a
clear dislike of the Empire may result in someone from
higher in the chain reaching out to the group.

Any first contact with an Alliance Intelligence cell will
be through a single entity, who simply hires the fring-
ers for the kind of work they seem likely to be able to
carry out. It is entirely possible that the Player Char-
acters have no idea they are working for the Alliance
in any way, perhaps even over the course of multiple
jobs. All the while, reports will be transmitted through
blind contact protocols up through the network, to be
evaluated by area coordinators, then network leaders.
Eventually, if the network leader is duly impressed
(or if the need is both great and desperate enough),
he may pass on a recommendation to bring the group
further into the organization.


Though a fraction of the size of the Imperial war
machine, the military forces of the Alliance are lean
and highly effective in exactly the kind of hit-and-run
warfare required for them to survive. Because of the
guerrilla warfare nature of their strategy, it is entirely
possible for Rebel military operations to employ local
specialists to help with a tricky operation.

Most fringers are likely to avoid any direct involve-
ment with military actions against the Empire; this,
naturally, makes them fairly unpopular with the aver-
age trooper serving in Alliance ranks. However, those
in command who recognize the value of non-standard
assets often find a use for a local crew that can be mo-
tivated by a few credits or other helpful resources.

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