Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

lord is Prince Xizor, a member of the Falleen race with
a mysterious past. Though he has hundreds of ser-
vants and warriors to call upon at a moment's notice—
and can organize an army of many thousands within
hours—Xizor's most prominent associate is the stun-
ning Curi, a blond-haired, blue-eyed picture of human
beauty and cool efficiency. Those who are high enough
in the organization to know realize she is Xizor's trusted
lieutenant, major-domo, and bodyguard. Those not as
knowledgeable tend to assume she is the one who runs
Black Sun. A very few suspect there is something amiss
with Guri, and that she is not as human as she appears.

Each of the Vigos oversees a rather vast network of
his own, with numerous sub-lieutenants managing each
of the many disparate operations. In order to protect
the greater organization, people beneath the Vigos only
tend to know a few others that are actually part of Black
Sun; there are, in fact, countless thousands employed
by Black Sun who have no idea who their real employer
is. Smaller gangs and groups with their own names and
identities operate with apparent independence, with
only their leadership connected to the higher levels.

Much of the funding for outward activities comes from
Prince Xizor himself, primarily through his lucrative and
legitimate corporation, Xizor Transport Systems. Through
this vast transportation company and its many thou-
sands of freighters and other craft, there isn't a place
Black Sun cannot reach or cargo that cannot be moved.
The machinery of resource flow is greased liberally with
substantial bribes and payoffs to all of the right officials.


Black Sun's activities are many and varied, and each Vigo
tends to focus on his or her own portfolio of interests.
Clezo is conservative and business-minded. He prefers
to maintain a highly diverse portfolio of activities, seek-
ing to control all criminal activity within a few systems
rather than corner a particular market or criminal under-
taking. His holdings are known to include several bounty
hunting groups and guilds, including the highly Imperial-
connected House Tresario guild. Careful planning and
maintaining the revenue flow are his trademarks, and
though he constantly seeks new opportunities, he never
does so at the expense of his current operations.

Durga is as scheming and crafty as any other Hutt,
and his primary concerns seem to revolve around ma-
nipulating other Vigos while appearing the loyal and
subservient lieutenant to Xizor. His endeavors include
exploiting all of the transport and smuggling in and
around Nar Shaddaa, and keeping a firm grasp on
the Klatooinian Trade Guild's operations. Durga has a
healthy interest in gun-running and slavery, and serves
as Black Sun's connection to Hutt affairs while also
serving the Hutts through this connection to Black
Sun. Of course, ultimately, Durga serves himself.

Green spends a great deal of his time and energy
trying to organize resources and support to become
the next Underlord. His revenues are far lower than
they should be, yet his value as a spymaster with tru-
ly extensive networks remains high enough to keep
him in his position for now. Racketeering, extortion,
and blackmail in the Core Worlds are his main stocks
in trade. He is trying to expand his spice smuggling
efforts, yet has been directly forbidden to export to
Coruscant; another has been granted exclusive rights
to that highly lucrative market.

Kreet'ah, who inherited his position from his mother,
is a loyal and long-serving lieutenant of Xizor. His main
focus as a Vigo is corporate espionage. This includes
stealing valuable secrets and technology, massive rev-
enue slicing, and using his extensive spy network to re-
route transports, manipulate markets, and extort funds
from countless corrupt corporate officers. His most
valuable service to Xizor is his ability to predict and
convey market trends and corporate maneuverings.
Anyone working in the Outer Rim has a chance of
running afoul of Lonay's operations. The Twi'lek focuses
his efforts on several sectors in that part of the galaxy,
building allies not only among the Black Sun, but with
other criminal groups and even corporations. His highly
flexible organization focuses on the typical Outer Rim
endeavors of slave trading, spice smuggling, gun-run-
ning, and countless vice crimes. The rise of the Rebel-
lion has caused a great deal of trouble for Lonay's slave
trading operations. Ironically, he's made up some of the
losses by smuggling weapons and supplies to desper-
ate Alliance Sector forces even as the Alliance works to
systematically shut down his other operations.

Ex-slave and master slicer Perit has, perhaps, the
most secure position of any of the Vigos, though that
hasn't prevented him from reportedly surrounding
himself with nigh-impenetrable electronic security
and a small force of assassin droids. Prince Xizor de-
livered the Mon Calamari from slavery and directly
employed him to help manage the Prince's holdings
when still a Vigo himself. A master of technological
and computerized crime, Perit is able to manipulate
entire markets via slicing, and his veritable army of
technologists is one of the greatest assets in the en-
tire Black Sun organization. Once Xizor became Un-
derlord, he handed over his Vigo position to Perit,
who became both a trusted friend and powerful ally.

Another likely potential employer for fringers,
Sprax is Black Sun's master of shipping and transport.
His holdings and activities may have the widest pos-
sible range of galactic area of any Vigo, running from
the Core Worlds to the Outer Rim Territories. He has
multiple syndicates of pirates, smugglers, shipjackers,
black market traders, slavers, and the like all work-
ing for him; most of them have no idea they are tied
to Black Sun. He also manages corporate assets re-
lated to shipping, and he's created such a serpentine

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