Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
A violator faces fines equal to up to six months'
salary, demotion, and possibly imprisonment in a
labor colony from three months to five years.

  • Class B: These are lesser infractions, yet still se-
    rious. Infractions of this class include embezzle-
    ment of less than 10,000 credits, conspiracy
    against the Authority, credit fraud, misuse of CSA
    copyrights and registered symbols, and trans-
    porting illegal weapons and high level contraband
    within the sector. Consequences include five to
    twenty years assignment to a labor colony and
    fines equivalent to one to three years' salary.

  • Class A: These are the worst infractions, resulting
    in either permanent exile from the sector or (more
    likely) life assignment to a labor colony. Execution
    is not out of the question. Such infractions include
    industrial sabotage, embezzlement greater than
    10,000 credits, willful destruction of CSA property,
    terrorism and piracy, conspiring to form a union,
    and violation of Authority ship weapons laws.


Located in the Outer Rim, Elrood is nonetheless a
highly civilized and developed planet, and capital of
the Elrood Sector. Elrood is also the manufacturing
and primary trade center for the sector, ensuring its
importance and wealth. Despite these factors, the en-
tire sector is patrolled by only two Imperial Star De-
stroyers and a small fleet of other ships.

While abiding by most Imperial laws, Elrood's star-
ports fall under the administration of the Elrood Starport
Command (ESC). This means spaceport security forces
focus on local laws and regulations. Ships with less than
Class 1 or Class 2 infractions posted on their records
stand a good chance of avoiding any issues when land-
ing at an Elrood starport. It also helps that the ESC isn't
directly tied to Imperial databases, though it does re-
ceive regular updates from the Imperial Space Ministry.

However, Elrood authorities enforce Imperial stan-
dards for starships rather vigorously, mostly in the
interest of protecting their atmosphere, space ways,
and general travel within the sector. Problems with a
ship's performance are likely to guarantee notifica-
tions and even fines from the ESC to force the way-
ward captain to abide by regulations.
Elrood has a number of regulations, fees, customs,
and laws that all travelers should become familiar with
as soon as possible. The following is a good example of
what those visiting Elrood and many other civilized plan-
ets in the Outer Rim can expect:

  • Basic landing fees are calculated at ten credits
    per ten meters of the ship's length. Decontamina-
    tion fees are included. Berthing is 10% of this fee
    per day at most locations. Customs takes a fee of
    1 % value of all cargo delivered or taken aboard.


  • Discrepancies from the ship's manifest accrue a
    fine equal to 20% of the missing value.

  • Departures from the starport must be applied for
    with the ESC, at which time it assigns a specific
    departure schedule and path.

  • Ships are forbidden to use weapons planetside
    or within the system, with serious fines (or ship
    impoundment) and imprisonment as the penalty.

  • All sentient beings pay a five credit visitation fee;
    there are no fees for droids.

  • Contraband cargo is defined as weapons and
    armor, non-indigenous animal species, spice
    and non-medical narcotics, and regulated ores.
    Permits may be purchased on arrival for certain
    types of recreational spice, exotic fauna, and
    regulated ore. These permits cost ten credits, but
    if the individual plans to trade these substances,
    they must also pay a tariff equal to 5% of the
    substances' total value.

  • The official language of Elrood is Basic.

    • Ranged weapons are restricted on the planet, as
      are melee weapons exceeding 10 cm in length. To
      carry any restricted weapon requires a 50 credit
      permit and the weapon must be prominently dis-
      played at all times. Permits are not available for
      military weapons such as blaster carbines or rifles,
      light repeating blasters, and two-handed melee
      weapons. Personal armor is strictly prohibited.

    • All droids are required to be fitted with restrain-
      ing bolts. Elrood does recognize and except man-
      umitted droids from this law, so long as they can
      provide documentation.

    • Civilized and reasonable behavior is expected at
      all times, and violators face stiff fines and either
      expulsion from the planet or imprisonment for
      violations. Violence, smuggling, theft, and selling
      contraband all result in very serious law enforce-
      ment measures on the behalf of Elrood police and
      security forces.


If smugglers, spacers, or other citizens wish to deal
in questionable merchandise or purchase restricted
items, they are not likely to be able to do so legally.
However, there are organizations beyond the law that
fringers can use to traffic in merchandise. The most
prominent of these is the black market.
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