Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Among the rank and hie of pirate crews, some small
handfuls survive long enough to hone their skills
and become leaders among their fellows. These in-
dividuals possess a cunning that their comrades
lack and have honed it to a razor's edge over the
course of their time spent as a crewman. The ideol-
ogy of these individuals varies, from those who
slaughter every victim to eliminate witnesses to
those who display mercy in the hopes that future
victims will be more willing to surrender. Most pi-
rate captains fear capture and will not take unnec-
essary risks unless the promise of reward is so great
that their avarice overcomes their caution.

The most abominable sort of criminal, slavers profit
by robbing others of their freedom. Slavers prey upon
the weak or those who cannot fight against modern
technology, often locating a primitive species some-
where in the galaxy then abducting entire villages of
their victims. These unfortunates can be sold off as
cheap physical labor. Some advanced species are
made the targets of slavery as a means of controlling
a problematic population, as with the Empire's en-
dorsement of placing the fiercely independent and
physically powerful Wookiee race into slavery.

Skills: Coercion 3, Cool 3, Coordination 2, Deception
3, Gunnery 2, Leadership 2, Ranged (Heavy) 3, Melee
4, Resilience 2, Skulduggery 3.
Talents: Adversary 2 (upgrade difficulty of all com-
bat checks against this target twice), Feral
Strength 2 ( + 2 damage on all Brawl and
lelee attacks), Knockdown (may spend
<$ to knock target prone with successful
melee attack).
Abilities: Pirate Leader (may spend a ma-
neuver giving orders to other pirate allies
in medium range, granting them • on
their next check).

Skills: Coercion 2, Melee 2, Ranged (Light) 2, Vigilance 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Battered stun pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical -; Range [Short]; Stun damage),
net (Ranged [Light]; Damage 2; Critical -; Range
[Short]; Ensnare 3; Knockdown, Limited Ammo 1),
truncheon (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 5; Range [En-
gaged]; Disorient 2).


A terror that haunts the shadows of a
major spaceport, a shipjacker is a thief
who specializes in stealing and quickly
reselling starships. An expert at circum-
venting electronic security of all
forms, a successful shipjacker is also
intimately familiar with the proto-
cols and procedures of whatever
spaceports he chooses to prey
upon. Likewise, most shipjack-
^ers have close relationships
with expert forgers to ensure
that the documentation re-

Equipment: Heavy blaster rifle
(Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 10;
Critical 3; Range [Long]; Auto-
fire, Cumbersome 3), vibro-ax
(Melee; Damage 9; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Sun-
der, Vicious 3), armored clothing
(+ 1 soak, + 1 defense).


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