Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


Swoop gangs are considered by many to be a blight
upon modern society. Take all of the problems that are
posed by a conventional gang of young thugs and crimi-
nals and then place those criminals on overcharged,
dangerously fast repulsorlift vehicles. The dangers posed
by such a group are many, and the means of combating
them are limited. There are few law forces capable of
keeping pace with, much less outpacing and apprehend-
ing, a swoop gang. This is particularly true in the Outer
Rim, where the legal resources are much more limited.

Skills: Brawl 1, Piloting (Planetary) 1, Ranged (Light)
1, Streetwise 1.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), mod-
ified swoop bikes.


There are few races as consistently sociable as the
Twi'leks of Ryloth. Capable of significant manipulation
and persuasion, some Twi'leks invariably find their tal-
ents suited to helping others find things that they need,
matching buyers to sellers with flawless skill and a thou-
sand-credit smile the entire while. Black marketeers are
part salesman, part fence, and all business. Knowing a
marketeer can ensure that an individual is able to move
an incredibly rare and valuable item without difficulty,
although it will be necessary to cut the marketeer in on
the sale, which eats into profits a bit. Most consider the
convenience a welcome trade-off for a percentage.

Skills: Knowledge (Underworld) 2, Negotiation 2, Ranged
(Light) 1, Skulduggery 2, Streetwise 2, Vigilance 2.
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target once), Black Market Con-
tacts 2 (decrease rarity of sought item by two degrees
when looking on the black market).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Damage 6;
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), thermal det-
onator (Ranged [Light]; Damage 20; Critical 2; Range
[Short]; Blast 1 5, Breach 1, Limited Ammo 1, Vicious
4), shock gloves (Brawl; Damage 2; Critical 5; Range
[Engaged]; Stun 3).

Spaceports are a common haunt for galactic travel-
ers and adventurers of all sorts. Anyone who makes
part of his life or livelihood aboard a starship will
spend a significant amount of time in spaceports on
one planet or another. Whether they are located in
the desert, on a glacier, in a grand city, or hovering
above the planet on a space station, there are cer-
tain commonalities that most spaceports share, and
personnel is one of the most significant.


Comm operators are the lifeblood of a spaceport.
They are the ones who communicate with outgoing
and incoming ships and manage approval of all de-
partures and arrivals. They endeavor to keep the
traffic above a spaceport orderly and prevent acci-
dents. Such accidents happen anyway, but their
rarity is testament to the skill of these officers.
Some operators develop familiarities or even rela-
tionships with the ship crews they communicate
with most frequently, and have been known to give
preferential berths to close friends, or at least peo-
ple who remember who their friends are when the
credits are flowing.

Skills: Charm 2, Coercion 1, Cool 1, Knowledge (Out-
er Rim) 3.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged [Light]; Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), en-
crypted comlink.


The customs official is the bane of existence for all
those who seek to transport goods from one part of
the galaxy to another without questions being asked.
Fortunately, many officials are perfectly happy to ac-
cept a bribe. Unfortunately, there are quite a few who
are not and even more unfortunately, telling the dif-
ference between the two can be exceptionally diffi-
cult. Customs inspectors are responsible for checking
any cargo transported into a spaceport and their seal
of approval is required before it can be offloaded onto
another vessel or planet-bound location. They fre-
quently travel in the company of spaceport security.

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