Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

(upgrade difficulty of Charm, Coercion, or Deception
checks targeting Spaceport Administrator once),
Plausible Deniability 2 (remove •• from all Coer-
cion and Deception checks).
Abilities: Spaceport Leader (spaceport staff add •
to all Vigilance and Perception checks when in the
Spaceport Administrator's presence).
Equipment: Light blaster pistol (Ranged (Light); Dam-
age 5; Critical 4; Range [Medium]; Stun setting), data-
pad, comlink.


Every spaceport has at least one wretched misfit, and
most have far more. A spaceport urchin is a young indi-
vidual, around ten years old by human standards, that
seems to have absolutely nowhere else to go and noth-
ing else to do than loiter around the facility sticking his
nose into anything that attracts his attention. Constantly
underfoot, frequently annoying, and occasionally larce-
nous, spaceport urchins can either be the bane of visit-
ing spacers or welcome
mascots and familiar
faces. Likewise, they
can either be de-
spised by the
spaceport staff or
be looked upon
as little broth-

ers and sisters to be watched over. The state and dispo-
sition of spaceport urchins says a great deal about the
administration and policies of a spaceport in general.

Skills (groups only): Skulduggery, Stealth,
Streetwise, Survival.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None
Equipment: Small rocks (Ranged (Light); Damage 1;
Critical -; Range (Short); Stun Damage).


Bounty hunters are feared by criminals and ne'er-
do-wells throughout the galaxy. While they have the
same authority to enforce legal penalties, they are
not bound by the same code of conduct
that planetary, system, and sector agen-
cies frequently operate under. Instead,
bounty hunters have a well-deserved rep-
utation for violence and ruthless tactics.
Many local branches of law enforcement
are reluctant to bring in bounty hunters
and may even choose not to cooperate
with them at all because of their reputa-
tion for causing collateral damage when
pursuing a criminal. System-wide and sec-
tor-wide agencies sometimes contract with
bounty hunter guilds as a cost-effective way
of extending their reach.

Not all bounty hunters belong to guilds, of
course. There are a great many hunters who es-
chew the companionship of others, instead taking
up the solitary life of a predator. These statistics
can reflect independent hunters, Imperially-spon-
sored hunters, or even unlicensed hunters just as
well as guild hunters.


The number of certified and licensed bounty
hunters in the galaxy is utterly dwarfed by the
number of those who seek to become certified
and licensed. Of the scores who seek to gain
membership in an established bounty hunter
guild, a handful who show promise are accepted
into the ranks of the guild's apprentices. The
greatest value of these fledging, would-be hunt-
ers is that they are utterly expendable and are
used by the guild as support for established
hunters, diversions, or even simply cannon fod-
der against well-entrenched or well-armed
foes. As an alternative to joining a guild,

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