Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


The forces of law and order will never stop in their
campaign to enforce a boring and banal (or in other
words, honest) lifestyle upon the independent-mind-
ed citizens of the galaxy. Sooner or later, the rogues
and renegades who live on the galaxy's fringe all wind
up on the wrong side of the law.


The Corporate Sector Authority is a massive cor-
porate bureaucracy that governs a large sector of
space along the Tingel Arm of the galaxy in the
Outer Rim territories. The government is, as indi-
cated by its name, a corporate entity that has
complete control over the sector as a result of a
unique arrangement that far predates the estab-
lishment of the Galactic Empire, but which is main-
tained through a mutually beneficial arrangement
between those two bodies. The CSA enforces its
policies and laws through its law enforcement divi-
sion: the Security Police. Commonly called Espos,
the CSA police are known for their brutality as well
as the quality of their equipment. They are
much better-funded than most sector police
forces and do not hesitate to crush anyone
or anything that they believe threatens the
peace and prosperity of the CSA's rule ove
the Corporate Sector.

of the Corporate Sector's inhabitants. Many "investiga-
tions" led by Espo captains last only as long as it takes to
find a convenient scapegoat to blame.

Skills: Coercion 1, Discipline 1, Leadership 1, Melee
2, Ranged (Heavy) 2, Ranged (Light) 1, Vigilance 1.
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target once).
Abilities: Riot Tactics (groups of three or more
CSA minions in the Security Captain's presence
gain + 1 soak and deal + 1 damage on successful
combat checks).
Equipment: Riot gun (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 7;
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Auto-Fire, Stun Setting),
truncheon (Melee; Damage 5; Critical 5; Engaged;
Disorient 2), riot armor ( + 2 soak).

Skills (group only): Coercion, Melee, Ranged (Heavy).
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Riot gun (Ranged [Heavy]; Damage 7;
Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Auto-Fire, Stun Setting),
truncheon (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 5; Engaged;
Disorient 2), riot armor ( + 2 soak).


The CSA often makes it a point to recruit tough, even bru-
tal individuals into the ranks of its Espos. Creative thinking
or equitable public relations are not as desired as the abil-
ity to enforce the CSA's rule through fear and violence.
This applies to the Espos' commanders as well as the rank
and file. Captains in the Espos are brutal, no-nonsense
individuals either promoted through the ranks or given
the job due to corporate connections. Their enforcement
tactics tend to treat brute force as the only resort instead
of the last, a quality which does not endear them to many
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