Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Gamorreans are porcine humanoids with a penchant
for barbarism and thuggishness. Hailing from the Outer
Rim planet of Gamorr, these violent and thoroughly
dull-witted creatures would likely have never made it
into the wider galaxy. However, at some point some
enterprising individual realized that the Gamorreans
complete unpleasantness was matched only by their
utility as dumb, strong muscle. Now many individuals
from crime barons to wealthy nobles employ Gamor-
reans as guards. They are unintelligent enough to be
difficult to bribe and strong enough to be truly terrify-
ing in a fight.

The noble Ithorian people, often known by the semi-
derogatory nickname "Hammerheads" because of
their unique cranial shape, are known for their peace-
ful, scholarly nature and their devotion to the natural
environments of the galaxy. Many Ithorians travel the
galaxy aboard massive ships known as "herd ships,"
although some choose to travel in a solitary manner.
Those who do are often steeped in the traditions and
lore of their people and enjoy gathering stories of oth-
ers like themselves. To them, stories are a unique form
of culture that should be studied and maintained at all
costs and they are happy to speak with others who
might have stories to share with them.

Skills: Brawl 3, Melee 3.
Talents: Knockdown (after hitting with a Melee attack,
the attacker may spend ($) to knock the target prone).
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Crude Gamorrean vibro-ax (Melee; Dam-
age 7; Critical 4; Range [Engaged];
Pierce 2, Vicious 3).

Skills: Charm 3, Cool 1, Knowledge (Lore) 3.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None
Equipment: Holdout blaster (Ranged (Light]; Damage
5; Critical 4; Range [Short]; Stun setting).


, Mynocks are disgusting, silicon-based space para-
sites that survive by latching onto the hulls of star-
ships and feeding off power cables and other vital
systems. About a meter long with wings that could
* be used in atmosphere, they have spread through-
out the galaxy by hitching rides on passing star-
ships. They absorb matter and energy from
their hosts, which can eventually cause sys-
tem failure. Mynocks can be found on the
surface of several different worlds, although
their allergy to helium limits the number of
habitats in which they can survive.

Skills (group only): Brawl, Coordination
Talents: None.
Abilities: Vacuum Dweller (can survive in vacuum
without penalty, and can move in a vacuum envi-
ronment), Energy Parasite (mynocks can make an
Average {4) 4)) Coordination check to latch onto
any starship or vehicle they are engaged with. Ships
or vehicles with a mynock attached suffer 1 system
strain per mynock each day and reduce their han-
dling by 1). Flyer (mynocks can fly, see page 202),
Helium Allergy (when exposed to helium, mynocks
suffer 1 wound per round ignoring soak, until their

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