Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Few creatures have benefited as much from space-
flight as the dianoga. Though coming from Vodran
originally, the dianoga has a predilection for hitching
rides in space-going vessels. More specifically, it lives
in the garbage disposal facilities of starships and from
there this monstrous cephalopod has spread to the
waste disposal facilities of cities and space stations
across the galaxy.

Dianogas are self-fertilizing hermaphrodites and
naturally translucent, making them hard to eradicate
and spot. The dianoga's larval form is almost micro-
scopic, allowing it to sneak aboard starships easily.
However, it can grow to be up to 10 meters across, a
writhing collection of tentacles surrounding a fanged
maw and central body core. The dianoga has a single
eye on a stalk that it can extend out of the water while
the bulk of the creature remains below the surface.
The dianoga is scavenger and hunter both and while it
primarily survives on garbage, it's more than happy to
eat anything that ends up in its lair, alive or not.

Skills: Brawl 2, Perception 1, Stealth 4, Survival 2,
Vigilance 3.
Talents: Adversary 1 (upgrade difficulty of all combat
checks against this target once).
Abilities: Amphibious (Dianogas may breathe un-
derwater without penalty and never suffer move-
ment penalties for traveling through water), Crushing
Crip (A dianoga has many tentacles and can main-
tain a grip on an unfortunate with some while attack-
ing with others. As long as it has a victim immobilized
by its tentacles, it inflicts 2 strain and 1 wound at
the start of the victim's turn. A dianoga is an aquatic
creature and a creature immobilized beneath the
surface may well start drowning—see page 214 for
more information about suffocation and drowning.).
Equipment: Tentacles (Brawl; Damage 5; Critical 4;
Range (Engaged); Ensnare 4, Knockdown).

Rancors are terrifying predators, found on worlds
throughout the galaxy. Complete carnivores, an adult
rancor can grow to be up to 10 meters tall. They often
walk with a hunched, simian gait using their arms and
hands as well as their legs. Their hands and wicked
claws can be used for grasping and holding prey. Com-
bined with their prodigious strength, a rancor can be-
come an apex predator on most worlds it lives in.
Their fearsome combat ability makes rancors popular
amongst crime lords as gladiatorial opponents or
"pets." The infamous gangster Jabba the Hutt is
known to keep a rancor in a cavern below his palace,
and those who displease the crime lord all too often
become the rancor's next meal.

Skills: Brawl 2, Perception 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 2.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Silhouette 3, Sweep attack (The rancor can
spend ^ on a successful Brawl check to hit the target
as well as anyone engaged with the target).
Equipment: Massive rending claws (Brawl; Damage
15; Critical 3; Range [Short); Knockdown, Sunder).


Gundarks are vicious and strong mammalian anthro-
poids from Vanqor, an arid planet of deserts and can-
yons. The creature is bigger and more powerful than
an average human, with two legs, four arms, and ears
almost as large as its head. They are relatively intelli-
gent beasts, and their cunning combined with their
unpleasant temperament means they are popular
gladiatorial fodder in some parts of the galaxy.

Skills: Brawl 2, Perception 3, Survival 3, Vigilance 3.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Four-armed (the gundark gains Don all Brawl
checks and may spend O O on a successful melee at-
tack to hit a second target engaged with it, dealing the
same damage as dealt to the original target).
Equipment: Meaty fists (Brawl; Damage 8; Critical 4;
Range (Engaged); Knockdown, Disorient 1).

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