Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1




"Pirates? Smugglers? We donlt have any of them on Formos."
-Lieutenant Pavan, Formos Garrison


his adventure is set on the planet of Formos, a
backwater world in the Outer Rim. The planet itself
is not particularly notable, but stands at the junction
of two busy hyperspace routes. The Pabol Sleheyron
runs Coreward into nearby Hutt Space while the Triel-
lus Trade Route provides access to both spinward and
trailing regions of the Outer Rim. Furthermore, For-
mos is directly linked to the mining world of Kessel via
a narrow corridor of navigable space called the Kes-
sel Run. As a result, Formos has become a notorious
haven for all manner of smugglers, spacers, and scum.
In recent times, a vicious pirate named Bandin
Dobah has begun to exert control over the move-
ment of contraband in and out of the Formos
Spaceport. This ruthless and ambitious Aqualish
has earned himself some powerful enemies; after
all, the planet of Formos is close to Hutt Space and
they do not tolerate direct competition of this sort
for long. So far Dobah has kept one step ahead of
justice, and he has managed to build and maintain
control through a combination of force and dumb
Juck—for the time being, at least.

There are currently two bounties on Dobah's head.
The Empire offers the first bounty. Moruth Doole,
administrator of the prison planet of Kessel, believes
that taking a tough stance on crime may win the
hearts and minds of locals. This has yet to pay off, as
the residents of Formos are as scandalized by geno-
cide and slavery as other inhabitants of the galaxy,
and deeply resentful of the Empire's rule as a result. A
Hutt kingpin looking to make a name for himself offers
the second, smaller bounty.

In order to keep ahead of the bounty hunters on his
trail, Bandin Dobah has arranged for the abduction of
an R4 astromech droid with superlative programming
relating to the local hyperspace routes and asteroid
fields. He has also made contact with an experienced
bounty hunter, a Rodian named Godon Netakka. For
the time being, Dobah has managed to talk the boun-
ty hunter into abandoning his duty, but has not quite
succeeded in his attempts to recruit him.

While things are currently looking good for Dobah,
circumstances are set to send him on a collision
course with a band of adventurers.

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