Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


The Formos Spaceport is considered a Limited Ser-
vices Port; it consists of a large area of duracrete upon
which all but the heaviest of freighters can effect a safe
landing. There is a small control tower and a number
of sheds for docking, storage, and maintenance. The
spaceport charges relatively small fees for landing and
storing small or medium sized spacecraft, though a
smuggler could probably arrange a further discount if
he was able to make appropriate Charm checks.

Once the PCs have disembarked from whatever vessel
brought them to the planet, read the following to them:

As soon as you set foot on the planet, you are
instantly struck by the stale and parched atmo-
sphere of Formos. The air is breathable, but desic-
cated despite the cool climate. Most species begin
to feel thirsty shortly after landing on the planet
and those used to life on humid worlds soon feel
dehydrated and uncomfortable. You notice that
species with an aquatic heritage, such as Aqual-
ish, Mon Calamari, and Herglic, are notably ab-
sent from those who make a home here.

Thankfully, water sellers are a common sight pa-
trolling the streets and docks, though the prices
they advertise would be considered extortionate
on most habitable worlds.


In order to add some variety into the game, the following
five short encounters can be added while the PCs wan-
der the streets of the spaceport. They have no relevance
to the main plot or each other, so they are merely provid-
ed for the GM to employ as he chooses and to help the
players appreciate that not everything that happens in
the universe is directly tied to the events affecting them.
These encounters do not need to take place at the begin-
ning of the adventure or in any particular order. However,
it is recommended that the GM get them out of the way
sooner rather than later so that they don't provide too
much distraction from the action of the main plot.


As the PCs make their way down one of the alleyways of
the Formos Spaceport, have them all make an Easy (^)
Perception check Those who pass the check notice
that the earth to one side of a large warehouse bulges
and shifts oddly. A second later a hole appears in the
ground as a hidden trapdoor is opened, and a man's
head appears and looks around. He checks that there
are no Imperial Army Troopers in the vicinity before ex-
iting the cellar along with two companions. They carry
three large crates over to a speeder parked nearby. The

driver of the speeder hands them some credit chips
before flying off with the contraband toward the docks.
The smugglers don't much mind the PCs unless they
are interrupted in their dealings, in which case they ask
the PCs to mind their own business. If they are asked
about smuggling or Bandin Dobah they claim ignorance,
though they suggest that the PCs might be able to find
out more by talking to the patrons of Rii Jenks' Cantina.

A lone member of the insectile Tritonite species has made
his way to Formos to preach. Unfortunately for him,
the locals have made it very clear that his message of
peace and abstinence is not welcome and, as a result,
he spends his days in quiet contemplation. That is unless
he spots a strange face, such as that of a PC. On seeing
a stranger, the Tritonite gibbers away in a series of clicks
and whirrs incomprehensible to all but the best protocol
droids. If he can be translated, the Tritonite insists that he
has been inspired by the example of Holy Gac-
timus to turn his back on all forms of
vice and distraction, eschewing
stimulants and entertainment,
and has thus found an inner
serenity more mind-blowing
than any narcotic high. He
offers the PCs a flexiplast
tract that further extols on
the benefits of following the
example set by the obscure
religious figure.


A heavily burdened and
aging human woman
stands by one of the busi-
er thoroughfares near the
docks. She carries a plas-
tic water jug on her back
and also hefts a large tray
bearing a number of
jars of water. She has
erected a small sign
nearby that reads
"Mama Nobah—
Cheapest Water on
Formos," and indeed
her prices are far more
reasonable than any
other water sellers the
PCs see in the vicin-
ity. Mama Nobah is a
charming old lady, with
a keen and friendly
interest in the PCs.
She gossips with them
about their adventures

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