Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

and aspirations and offers them any directions or advice
they might need during their visit. She also has a sob
story, claiming to have once been a resident of Alderaan
who only escaped its destruction by the Death Star due
to a fortuitous, but fruitless, business trip to Corellia.

Mama Nobah is not as benign as she seems. While she
natters to the PCs, her son Jok Nobah attempts to creep
up on them to steal whatever he can lift. He chooses one
of the PCs to steal from and unless the PC passes a Per-
ception check opposed by Jok Nobah's Cunning of 3, he
loses any small and accessible items of equipment, or
some of the credits that he carries. Should any of the PCs
announce that they are keeping an eye out while talking
to Mama Nobah, her son errs on the side of caution and
leaves them unmolested. If the PCs apprehend the thief,
Mama Nobah begs their forgiveness, repeating that their
desperate situation is the result of Imperial tyranny and
offering free water by way of compensation. If the PCs
insist on rough justice, Mama Nobah and her son use the
Spaceport Urchin profile on page 399 (although they
are minions, they are not treated as a group).


with strangers. When Vreebo sees the PCs at the space-
port, he assumes that they are his contacts because the
smuggling gang is of a similar size and composition as the
party. However, he isn't sure and doesn't wish to make a
fool of himself while finding out. As such, he decides to
shadow the party for a while in order to make sure he
hasn't made a mistake (which, of course, he has).

Vreebo will follow the PCs at a distance but does not
bother them, deciding after a while that they aren't his
contacts after all. During this time, if any of the PCs men-
tions that he is keeping an eye out for people who might
be following them or eavesdropping, he notices Vreebo
on an Average [4) 4)) Perception check. If Vreebo is
asked what he wants he gives a very flustered, stammer-
ing account of expecting to meet some "business con-
tacts." If he is questioned further, he becomes even more
bashful, barely able to speak, breaking into a sweat and
flushing a deep green color. The PCs may suspect him of
being Codon Netakka, though he looks far too frail and
nervous to make a career of bounty hunting and his only
weapon is a hidden holdout blaster.

Vreebo is a young Rodian and a member of a small
smuggling gang that has recently arrived on Formos. His
colleagues have tasked him with making contact with
another gang of smugglers, who they expect to arrive
at around the same time the PCs land on Formos. Why
the smugglers have decided to task Vreebo with mak-
ing contact is not clear, because while he is an ex-
pert when it comes to piloting a vessel through
dangerous hyperspace corridors, the
Rodian is painfully shy

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