Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

This encounter presents a red herring to the adventur-
ers, and should therefore be used sparingly. Lei Muoroy
is a young human male who is running short on credits.
As such, he has taken the risky decision of pretending
to be a member of Bandin Dobah's smuggling network,
and is running an extortion racket. The PCs may encoun-
ter Lei menacing an easy target, such as a lone water
seller. Lei's sales pitch runs along the lines of a growled
"I'm here to collect a cut for the Big Man around these
parts, know what I mean? That'll be twenty credits if you
know what's good for you, plus five extra for the trouble."

If the PCs confront Lei, he tries to intimidate them
with more talk of the "Big Man" (which is how many

locals have begun to refer to Bandin Dobah), but
if the PCs don't back down at this, he attempts to
make a break for it. The fact is that Lei has no con-
nection to Bandin Dobah and his antics would cer-
tainly earn the extreme displeasure of the Aqualish,
who has enough of a code of honor not to wish to be
seen dealing in small time extortion. However, inter-
rogating Lei may provide the PCs with some help if
they are looking for Daro's safe house, as the young
crook knows where it is. As such, it is best to wait
until the PCs have visited the cantina before they en-
counter Lei. If the GM needs a profile for Lei Muoroy.
use the Street Tough profile on page 396. armed
with just the truncheon and blaster pistol.

Becoming Embroiled

llhile the PCs should be able to enjoy a few optional
wencounters, they are certain to become tangled up
in the events of the plot before long.


This encounter occurs as the PCs are journeying to
the Rii Jenks Cantina from their lodgings or space-
craft. As they approach the cantina, read the follow-
ing out loud to the players:

The disorderly jumble of hastily constructed
dwellings around the cantina makes for a maze of
tight alleyways filled with all manner of obstruc-
tion. Portable trash compactors, piles of crates,
and personal moisture condensers line the gang-
ways that thread between houses and shops.
As you pass a particularly dark and narrow alley-
way nestled between a pair of towering warehous-
es, you hear a commotion. There is a loud rattle and
a buzzing noise coming from within the alley. The
rattling stops, and you hear a low and monotonous
voice calling out. The voice is buzzing and faint, but
you can still hear; "Hello! Bzzzt! Help pleazzze! I
need help!" The noises seem to come from a large
blue trash compactor next to one of the warehouses.

If the PCs peer inside, they see that, among the
various rubbish and junk, there is a badly damaged
droid. Its head has been dented, one of its eyes has
been smashed, its body has been pulled apart, and all
manner of wiring, hydraulics, and hardware are strewn
about in the trash compactor.

The Droid is J9-B8, a variant of the 3PO protocol
droid made by Cybot Galactica. J9-B8 provided long
service to his old master who, wishing to make a point
to squabbling relatives, had her droids manumitted
on her deathbed (i.e. provided the right not to serve
any master save themselves). As a free droid, J9-
B8 toured the Outer Rim with his companion R4-
W9, an astromech who had been employed by
the same master. The woman who had owned
J9-B8 and R4-W9 was a successful smuggler
before her death, and the R4 unit was one of
the few in the area able to perform a truly 4
comprehensive navigational analysis of the
Kessel Run.
Unfortunately R4-W9's precious
knowledge has led to J9-B8's cur-
rent perilous state. The two droids
were making their way to the
cantina when they were
waylaid by thugs.

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