Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

These agents of Bandin Dobah wrecked J9-B8 and
left him for dead. They then fitted a restraining bolt
to R4-W9, overriding his manumission, and delivered
him to their boss. Note that J9-B8 has a monotone
voice and a speech impediment that renders sibilant
sounds as a buzzing noise; this is a shortcoming of the
J9's Verpine manufacture made worse by the damage
the droid has sustained.
On seeing the PCs, J9-B8 stops calling for help.
There are a couple of whirring noises and his head
shudders as he speaks.

"Ah! Bzzzt! Greetingzzz! Zzzo glad you {-found
me! Pleazzze help! Bzzzt! They took my f-friend!
Pleazzze help zzzave R4-W9! Zzzzzbxzzzz!"

J9-B8 responds to any questions the PCs have at
this point, though he is keen to tell them about R4-
W9 quickly. He is aware that he does not have much
time left as his self-repair mechanisms have done all
they can. J9-B8 is totally beyond repair. Even charac-
ters who attempt to fix him using the Mechanics skill
are unable to achieve anything other than affording
him a little comfort in his last moments.
If the PCs are willing to listen, J9-B8 says the following:

"My friend R4-W9 and I were on our way to the can-
tina when we were zzzet upon by a band of th-th-
thugzzz! Zzzbxzzt! They tore me apart with barzzz
and dragged him away! Pleazzze! It izzz too late to
do anyzzzing f-f-for me but zzzave my friend!"

At this point the remaining lights in the wreckage of J9-
B8's body begin to dim and his voice drops an octave.
He continues to speak for a further minute and gives a
few more details about the attack, but he becomes ever
more incoherent and unresponsive as he does so.
J9-B8 can provide the PCs with any information about
his background that he thinks they might use. He also
tells them that R4-W9 was prized among the local smug-
glers due to his knowledge of the Kessel Run. He knows
that the attack occurred about 20 hours ago, though
he isn't exactly sure as it has taken a long time to get
his limited systems back online. He thinks the band who
attacked him were mostly human, though they were
wearing hoods. He believes that his attackers were all
male. He saw that they fitted a restraining bolt to R4-W9
before dragging him away. He does not know any of the
attackers but suspects they have something to do with
an Aqualish named Bandin Dobah who has become no-
torious in recent months for muscling in on a number of
smuggling operations along the Kessel Run.

No one else is in the immediate vicinity. If members
of the motley community of fringers who make their

dwellings nearby are asked about the attack, they
complain that there are fights all the time and little at-
tention is paid to them. If quizzed harder, a local may
recall that there was some commotion by the ware-
houses the previous day, but he won't have any details.


The Rii Jenks Cantina is fairly busy, with a varied clien-
tele. Read the following out to the players as they en-
ter the cantina:

As you enter the lobby of the cantina, you are
aware of a change in atmosphere. The air condi-
tioning alone is almost as refreshing as the bever-
ages served at the well-appointed bar promise to
be. The cantina is clearly a popular spot for locals
to mix, though it isn't so crowded as to make it
impossible for you to get seats. All manner of hu-
mans and aliens rub shoulders at the bar, and
they even seem happy to let droids in. To your
right, a flickering holoscreen displays the rotating
head of a tough-looking adult male Aqualish, with
scrolling text advertising an Imperial bounty.
The cantina consists of two levels, the main level
with the bar, and a circular balcony level above,
with semi-private booths. The balcony is not too
high above the first floor, making the whole ar-
rangement feel more intimate and closed than its
size would suggest. To one side of the cantina, the
balcony is broken by a raised stage upon which
Fia Mund, billed as the Sullustan master of the
Kloo Horn, plays his instrument. His playing is es-
sentially free form jatz incorporating a surprising
baka rock influence. It shouldn't really work, but he
makes something fresh of it and generally receives
an approving response from the audience.

The clientele consists of humans (who make up at
least three quarters of the cantina's patrons), Deva-
ronians, Duros, and droids (one of whom is a proto-
col droid employed by the cantina to interpret for
customers who speak different languages). A pair of
courting Twi'leks sit in one corner (apparently rather
wrapped up in one another) and a garrulous Toydar-
ian flutters near the bar discussing a dubious business
venture with a figure dressed in a huge and envelop-
ing red hooded cloak.

Talk in the cantina revolves around fairly mundane
matters. Even though Rii Jenks' is considered a haven
for smugglers, those in the bar are not so stupid as
to discuss business in such an open forum. Neverthe-
less, the clientele do not appreciate snoops and the
PCs (especially droids) are best advised to keep from
eavesdropping. Most of the conversation revolves
around personal matters and irrelevant gossip.

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