Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Near the door to the cantina is a board displaying
a holoscreen message that may well be of interest to
the PCs. It shows the slowly revolving 3D head of an
aging and grizzled Aqualish with a bounty notice.
If the PCs ask questions about Bandin Dobah, miss-
ing droids, or smuggling gangs, they are met with a
paranoid attitude. The drinkers in the bar are not so
careless as to discuss such things in public and won't
be shy about telling the PCs so. A typical response runs
along the lines of:

"Shhh! Are you crazy? Look, you people ought to get
to know your way around before you start assum-
ing that I know of such things just because I happen
to live on Formos—understood^7 Oh look, I can see
that you're new here, so why don't you grab a drink
for yourselves and relax. Enjoy the music for a bit."

The PCs may feel at a dead end after such a rebuff,
but after the exchange it only takes a brief moment
before one of the Devaronians approaches the PCs
and offers to "explain some matters." This is Snoo, an
information broker. He is happy to take one of the PCs
aside (not a droid or anyone carrying much equip-
ment; he is not willing to be recorded—though if it
happens that all the party are droids, he will choose
the most human looking to talk to). He is willing to
explain a bit about the recent events in the area if the
PC can do a little favor to loosen his tongue. His price
begins at 50 credits, but he can be bargained down to
20 if the PC he is talking to passes an Average (4p 4})
Charm, Coercion, or Deception check.

The information he imparts
—depending on the sort of
questions he is asked—con-
sists of the following:

  • Formos is a great place to
    do business if you know much
    about bounty hunting or han-
    dling contraband—but people
    won't just offer jobs to strang-
    ers. Prospective smugglers have
    to earn some respect and trust
    within the community before ex-
    pecting to make useful contacts.

  • Bandin Dobah is the head
    of an organized smuggling ring
    that operates on a loose fran-
    chise basis. The ring is said to be
    •F made up of many cells that rely
    W on each other for mutual support
    and information. Bandin Dobah heads
    the cell at the top of the hierarchy, and
    takes a cut of the profits made by the other
    cells. In return they can rely on the fearsome rep-
    utation Bandin Dobah enjoys and the increased
    job opportunities that his organization provides.
    A typical cell is made up of four to ten smugglers.

  • Nothing has been said about a droidnapping. but
    it would be well within the character of Bandin
    Dobah to arrange for such a thing.

  • The Empire's bounty is not the only one on Bandin
    Dobah's head. Thakba Besadii Diori, a Hutt kingpin
    of Sleheyron, has also offered 5,000 credits for his
    capture, and many bounty hunters would rather
    chase this reward than sully their hands with Im-
    perial blood money. However, the Hutt wishes to
    make an example of Dobah, so he is only offering
    the full reward if the Aqualish is delivered alive.

  • As of yet, few people have made serious attempts
    to accost Bandin Dobah. Some weeks back, a Ro-
    dian bounty hunter appeared in the cantina and
    it was generally assumed that he was on the trail.
    He hasn't been heard from since.
    Snoo knows nothing else pertinent, and his reputation
    as a reliable source of information is too important for him
    to offer idle speculation or outright fiction even if he is of-
    fered more money or otherwise pumped for information.


Just as the interview with the Devaronian information
broker ends, some more people enter the cantina.
The first of these is an elegant Rodian girl who
heads directly for the bar and orders herself some
food and drink. She draws appreciative glances from
those in the cantina who notice attractive Rodian girls.


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