Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

She wears a loose blouse of green satin with polished
brass accessories, and while she seems unarmed, her
purse is shaped so as to conceivably contain a hold-
out blaster. This is Zukata, who has recently arrived
from Rodia in search of her missing brother.

Bare moments after the Rodian enters the bar,
three smugglers saunter through the doors. Two of
the smugglers are human males and the third is a We-
equay. The three are all tough-looking customers who
bear themselves with swaggering arrogance. A gener-
al hush falls over the patrons of the cantina. Even Fia
Mund hits a few bum notes and has to take a pause
for breath before resuming his performance.

The reason for the change in atmosphere is of
course that the smugglers are rumored to belong to
Bandin Dobah's organization, though no one would
say such a thing while they are in the room.
The three individuals are as follows. Note that al-
though Spir and Gut are minions, they are not intend-
ed to work as a group. This encounter isn't supposed
to be very difficult for the PCs.


Daro Blunt has unkempt hair with three days of stub-
ble growing from his gaunt face. This human wears a
dirty beige flight suit and a holstered blaster pistol on
each hip. Daro also carries a backpack that looks like
it contains some weighty bits of equipment.


The office of Moruth Doole, administrator of
the spice mines of Kessel, is offering a 10,000
credit reward for the killing or capture of the
Aqualish pirate Bandin Dobah. This danger-
ous outlaw from Imperial justice is guilty of the
murder of the Empire's security operatives,
destruction of the Empire's property, move-
ment of contraband, black marketeering of
narcotics, and acts of criminal conspiracy.
For more information, contact any local repre-
sentatives of Imperial authority.

Skills: Coercion 1, Cool 1, Ranged (Light) 3.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Daro duel wields his blaster pistols, follow-
ing the rules for two-weapon combat on page 210.
Equipment: Two modified quick-draw blaster pistols
(Ranged [Light]; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Me-
dium]; Stun setting, may be drawn as an incidental),
heavy clothing (+ 1 soak).


Spir is a rangy young man with furtive eyes. His upper
lip has been split and still bears a long lurid scar, which
may explain why he seems to leer at anyone whose eye
he catches. Spir has dressed up to visit the cantina in
neatly tailored and close-fitting black clothing.

Skills: None.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None
Equipment: Heavy blaster pistol (Ranged [Light];
Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Medium]; Stun setting).


Gut-Guro's age is hard to estimate as he has the same
ruddy and wrinkled features common to most mem-
bers of his species. He wears his hair in three long
braids and dresses in the rough quilted leather that
serves as traditional Weequay garb.

Skills: None.
Talents: None.
Abilities: None.
Equipment: Vibroknife (Melee; Damage 4; Critical
2; Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1), padded ar-
mor ( + 2 soak).
The three approach the bar and order stiff drinks.
Spir is almost instantly taken with Zukata, and after
giving her an appreciative leer he sidles up to her.
Anyone keeping an eye on the interaction is able
to tell from her body language that Spir makes her
uncomfortable, if his attitude isn't a clue.
Unless the PCs intervene, Spir attempts to chat
Zukata up in an extremely unctuous manner; using
lines such as, "Well you don't see many pretty Rodian
girls in this place. What's that you're drinking, baby?
Hey Rii! Let's have another one of those over here,

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