Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

It is fairly obvious that Zukata is being coy with
explaining her relationship to Godon Netakka. If the
PCs press her, she reveals that Godon is her brother,
and she wants to see him back safely. She doesn't
have any additional money to offer, but would be pro-
foundly grateful if this happened, and makes it clear
she'd owe the person responsible a huge favor. As the
conversation with Zukata finishes, the PCs should all
make Average iH) Perception checks Those who
succeed notice that the Toydarian (whose name, if it
comes up, is Zalg) who was previously at the bar has
hovered toward them and seems to be eavesdropping
in on their conversation. If he is spotted, he gives the
PCs a broad tusk-filled grin before heading toward the
exit. He is intending to track down Daro Blunt and
offer to tell him all he knows about the PCs—and any
interest in Bandin Dobah that they have shown—for a
handful of credits.

If the PCs accost the Toydarian he pretends inno-
cence, explaining that he had too much to drink and
needed to leave.


Should the PCs decide to fol-
low the Toydarian, they
should make an Aver-
age {4p 4p) Stealth
check. If this
check is failed, the
Toydarian spots
them and flutters
down a side alley.
The PCs have tq
make an Average
[4^ ^) Perception
check in order to
keep him within
their sights. If they,
still keep on hi
trail, he rounds
on them, accusing
them of planning to
rob him. He in^fllta
as before, that he is
just going home and, if
the PCs still press the mSS
ter, he does actually head back
to his own house. He waits there
for half an hour before going to finer ^
Daro Blunt again and, if the PCs are still shadowing
him, he leads them to a warehouse used by the smug-
glers as a safe house.

If the Toydarian reaches the warehouse, he is admit-
ted inside and begins to deal with Daro (or the next
highest ranking smuggler if Daro is dead). Any PC who
wishes to eavesdrop should make an Average {4} 4})
Stealth check in order to sneak up to a suitable door-

way or window. If the check is failed, the PCs have
been spotted by a member of the gang who raises the
alarm; see Confronting Daro's Gang on page 428
for further information.
If this check is passed, the following snippet of con-
versation can be heard:

Daro's gruff voice speaks first "I mean, I want to
pay them back for Spir anyhow, but are you sure it's
anything that should be of concern to the Big Man?"
The Toydarian sounds somewhat unctuous. "I
couldn't be sure, but it seems that they are mixed
in with things somehow. They're new in town.
Been asking questions. Checking the bounty no-
tice. I thought I heard them say something about
a missing droid, but I could be wrong. They were
getting themselves pretty cozy with the Rodian
girl as well, if you know what I mean."
Daro grunts. "II s good you let us know. Here, a
token of appreciation."

If the PCs take no ac-
tion, then the Toydar-
ian is paid 20 credits
and flutters back to
his home. In the
meantime, Daro
musters the rest
of his gang and
heads out look-
ng for the PCs.
Daro's gang
consists of him-
self, Spir, Gut (if
they have not
..been killed),
'one additional
Smuggler (see
page 396), and
a group of three
Street Toughs
•••farmed with slugth-
rower rifles (see page
396). If Spir and Gut
have been killed and the
PCs have a group of four or
more, the GM can add one addi-
tional Smuggler to the fight. The Street Toughs fight
as a group, while Spir and Gut do not.

The smuggler hideout also has a small weapons
stockpile. If they have sufficient warning (if they
know they are going to ambush the PCs or have pri-
or warning the PCs are going to attack) they have a
heavy blaster rifle with an attached Galactic Arms
XA Classic Bipod (decrease the weapon's Cumber-

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