Xbox - The Official Magazine - USA (2019-07)

(Antfer) #1

Adam Yeah, this has happened a few
times where a game just ceases to
exist. I think if you look at other forms
of entertainment, such as films, the
commitment to keep them alive and
available is much better. I can pop into
a store and buy Metropolis – a film that
was made in 1927 – on Blu-ray and it’ll
play fine on today’s systems. You can’t
say the same support is out there for
old games.

Robert From my point of view, discs cut
down on download times. A day-one
patch of 30GB is pretty bad, but having
to download that on top of a 90GB
game file would do my nut in. Plus the
storage options on the console would
have to be addressed – you would
need a lot more hard drive space.

Robin It’s worth noting as well that not
everyone has good enough internet for
a console like this to work. If you live in
a rural area with poor service, or have
a plan that includes data caps, you’re
getting slowly excluded from gaming.

Chris So many games now are tied to
online content that all I’m doing half
the time is sticking a disc in so it can
read the licence. I’m fine with digital-
only, in fact it’s less effort to boot it up,
but having to buy terabytes of extra
hard drive space isn’t ideal.

Robin Yeah, for any misgivings I have, I
already do go digital for anything where
I have the option, and in terms of the
user experience, I prefer it to the old
days. The convenience factor is very
real. Not to mention the savings you
get in digital sales.

Chris If I were to play a lot of retro
games, proper old ones, I’d want them

on my phone, or a portable device with
a small screen, though that’s partly so
I can’t tell how badly they might have
aged! Digital files are surely better for
that than trying to find an old machine
that can still play my old discs,
cassettes, cartridges etc that might be
sitting getting dusty in my attic.

Adam Oh yeah, I don’t mean that we
need to keep the old formats as such.
I just want the assurance that a game
I play now can be played in 20 years’
time. I’m always going back to play
older games just out of nostalgia.

Drew It’s certainly a case of ‘when’
not ‘if’ when it comes to a digital-only
future. When we finally say goodbye
to physical media, it’ll be bittersweet
moment for old ’uns like us who
remember jamming a cartridge into a
SNES. That said, digital-only consoles
will be a hell of a lot more convenient.
I just don’t quite think we’re there yet
when it comes to online infrastructure,
so I’m clinging onto the old ways.

Robin One thing I will say about this
disc-less Xbox is: is there really
that much benefit? It doesn’t seem
significantly cheaper, and you
wouldn’t think the cost of an Xbox is in
its disc drive anyway. It seems like any
console might as well have a disc drive,
at least for now.

Chris Also, I use mine to play DVDs and
Blu-rays, so I’d miss that.

Robin It would also be the last nail
in the coffin for high street retailers
and second-hand shops. Without
the used game market, they will
either die or have to change into
something unrecognisable.

Drew It would be a lot more appetising
if the console launched with a more
extensive streaming service. Game
Pass is great but you’d want absolutely
everything on there.

Adam I would be fine with the concept
of an all-digital future provided that I
owned that digital copy and that it was
future-proof, but I just don’t see that
happening right now. Q

Do you agree with our panel? Let us
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“So many games

are tied to online

content that all

I’m doing half the

time is sticking a

disc in so it can

read the licence”

Chris Burke
Chris is all for the
convenience factor
of a digital-only Xbox.



Rob Crossland
Art Editor
Big downloads has
put Rob off digital
games for now.

Robin Valentine
Robin enjoys that he
can find a good deal
on digital stores.

Adam Bryant
Staff Writer
Our resident writer is
concerned about the
legacy of games.

Drew Sleep
Production Editor
Drew still likes gazing
upon his empire of
game boxes.

“No. I use my Xbox One
as my Blu-ray player. I
like to own physical
copies of my games in
order to display them.”
Sarah Langer

“With companies like
Steam and services like
Game Pass, the
physical game is a
dying medium.”
David Hodge

“No. I need the discs. In
the event of an internet
failure ,the discs will still
be playable offline.”
Allison C Dugas

“It’s a good idea, but at
£199, and more
expensive than a
standard Xbox One S, I
don’t see the point.”
Merlin Williams

“It’s not a viable choice
in my area. Internet
availability is spotty at
best on the eastern
shore of Virginia.”
Jeremy Patterson

“It’s a cool concept, but
I like to have the option
for both digital and
physical copies.
Sam Papalia

Agree with the above? Have
your own ideas? Tell us at



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