Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1





  • a new standard for

professional mirrorless

Canon has built a system that o ers compelling

results for serious enthusiasts and professionals

who want to take the next step in quality


oing mirrorless might feel like
a big step, but it doesn’t need
to be. And especially not when
that journey goes hand in hand
with a name you trust. Canon’s EOS R
cameras and lenses combine all the
cutting-edge benefi ts of mirrorless with
menus and handling you know and trust.
So while their performance will surprise
you, what’s really shocking is how quickly
you’ll feel at home.
In fact, as well as winning over DSLR
users in their droves, Canon’s EOS R5 and
EOS R6 are busy redefi ning what it means
to be a great mirrorless camera, too. Two
different bodies, with different benefi ts, but
the same outstanding philosophy of detail,
accuracy and speed, that’s built on their
next-generation CMOS sensors and backed
up by seamless integration with dedicated,
high-performance RF lenses.

Unparalleled speed, sharpness
and silence
Both the EOS R5 and EOS R6 harness
well-known mirrorless advantages with
surprising new technologies to bring major
advances in shooting speed and image
sharpness. They can shoot up to 20fps with
their electronic shutters, and do it in
complete silence with full auto exposure
(AE) and auto focus (AF) tracking. This lets
you capture your subject undisturbed.

And you can do it in almost any lighting
conditions, handheld, thanks to these
bodies’ fi ve-axis In-Body Image
Stabilisation (IBIS). This adds stabilisation
to any lens that’s mounted, but it’s best of
all when teamed with the IS system of RF
lenses, where the lens works to correct
pitch and yaw with the sensor correcting
X-Y and roll movements. Rated at up to
eight stops of stabilising advantage, it’s the
world’s best and adds new dimensions of
handheld sharpness and stability for
creative stills and video makers.

Focused on perfection
Mirrorless technology has brought new
benefi ts to autofocus performance, and
Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF II system
combined with the DIGIC X processor in
the EOS R5 and EOS R6 is pushing speed
and reliability to unmatched levels.
All this leads to the world’s fastest AF,
where subjects snap into focus in as little as
0.05secs, evenly in dim interiors and
low-light situations down to -6.5EV.
These unprecedented levels of speed and
low-light acquisition are backed up by a
face/eye detection mode and subject
recognition that uses deep-learning AI to
stick with unpredictable movements, and
follow subjects even when they turn away
from the camera. And it’s not only humans
who fall under the EOS R’s AF spell: cats,

dogs and birds can be tracked with
confi dence, regardless of the subject’s size,
posture, orientation or direction.

Building your system
Adding new versatility to the EOS R system,
the LP-E6NH battery allows up to 14%
more power capacity for a longer shooting
time and, compatible with both the EOS R5
and R6, the BG-R10 battery grip lets you
extend your creativity even further by
powering the bodies off two batteries and
duplicating controls and improving vertical
handling. If you like to shoot wirelessly,
there’s also the WFT-R10, a battery grip
style Wi-Fi transmitter for the EOS R5. It all
makes for creative photography with
unparalleled ease and quality.
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