Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1


Gas and Glamour (ISBN:
9783868289749) is
available to buy now
from Kehrer Verlag with
an RRP of £35. See for
more details.

potential of redefining the urban
landscape in ways a contemporary
gas station doesn’t.’
In a world where so many
photographers are so secretive of
‘their special’ locations, it is
refreshing to see Sinha delighting in
the act of sharing his enthusiasm for
the buildings he clearly loves very
much. In fact, he loves them so
much that he has provided QR
codes in the book specifically
referencing each of the locations, so
if you should find yourself in LA any
time soon, go and see for yourself
the amazing twilight world of
gas and glamour.

‘None of these images were staged,

so it took a number of tries and a lot

of patience’

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