Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1

Ancient &
Modern, a River
1 It came together
in this shot of the
old Horn Stairs
causeway and
Canary Wharf. The
tide was at a good
level, there was little
river traffic and a
clear sky.
Canon EOS 5DS,
17-40mm, 120 to 15
secs at f/9, ISO 100

PeterBenson, Suff olk
About Peter
am now retired but still
teach night photography,
which is my passion.
Cities and towns at night, especially
where there is a waterway or seafront.
How did you get into photography?
I’d always had cameras, but was quite
point and click. After doing a short
course at college and joining a local
club, my photography took off.
What do you love about photography?
A scene changes from ordinary during
the day to mesmerising at night. Also,
the weather has a major effect on an
image, and should be embraced.
Current kit
My bodies are a Canon EOS 5DS SLR
and an EOS M5. My main lenses are
EF 17-40mm f/4L, EF 24-105mm
f/4L, EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS III and
an EF 40mm f/2.8 STM. My go-to
tripod is a Manfrotto 055 carbon
tripod with a Benro GD3WH Geared
Head. I also use a RC6 remote.
Favourite lens and accessory
The Canon EF 24-105mm f/4L and the
Benro Geared Head, which is great for
 ne-tuning the horizon and uprights.

Dream purchase
The new Canon EOS R5: it’s smaller,
lighter and has the resolution to get
the detail in my images that I require.
The articulated screen sounds handy.
What software do you use?
Lightroom Classic, Photoshop CC and
Raya Pro Luminosity Masks.
Who are your favourite
My great-grandfather Willibald Zehr
along with members of my local club.
Favourite book
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC:
The Missing FAQ by Victoria Bampton
and Night Photography: Finding Your
Way in the Dark by Lance Keimig. Titles
are self-explanatory.
Favourite tips
There is no such thing as a bad image.
You can always learn from it. For night
photography, have a sturdy tripod,
ideally with a load capacity that’s
around three times more than your
camera and heaviest lens, and use a
remote shutter trigger. Also, when
walking around a location, sometimes
turn around and look in the direction
you came from. There could be a shot.
See more



City Lights Beckon
2 Taken at the start of my walk around
the Thames from a great viewpoint in
Wapping. The scene is a reminder that
the Thames was, and in some cases is,
a working river with the jetties of HMS
President in the foreground and the
moorings at Butlers Wharf.
Canon 5DS 24-105mm, 60 to 8 secs, f/4

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