Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1 59

Noise reduction is a key part of high-ISO-image processing. AngelaNicholson

takes a look at the controls oered by some popular soware packages


nless you’re using a tripod and
shooting long exposures in low
light, you have to push up your
camera’s sensitivity (ISO) setting
to get sharp images. Consequently, noise
will be a feature of your shots, but you
can reduce its visibility either in-camera or
using image-editing software post capture.
In-camera noise reduction can be

effective for JPEGs and can be applied at
different levels, but it doesn’t take account
of the content of the image. Large even-
toned areas, for example, can often benefit
from a stronger treatment while areas with
lots of detail usually require a more
cautious approach. As a result, it’s usually
best to apply a bespoke level of noise
reduction, ideally to raw files. This means

that you can tailor the type and degree of
noise reduction that’s applied to individual
images. And in some cases, you can even
vary the amount of noise reduction that’s
applied to different sections of the image.
Let’s take a look at the noise-reduction
controls offered by some of the most
popular image-editing software and
see how they compare.


The higher your ISO
setting, the more noise
will appear in your
shots; however, there
are ways to reduce this
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