Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1


When was the club founded?
In 1889, the year National Geographic
magazine published its rst photograph and
George Eastman introduced roll lm on
transparent plastic. Early members include
Louis Gandol who founded the large format
camera company that still bears his name.
Former editor of Amateur Photographer
Francis Mortimer was a member too and the
president of our group.

What does your club offer
to new members?
‘Society’ sounds grand, but we are an
informal, friendly group of amateur
photographers who share images, ideas and
questions. The membership is diverse,
including in age, gender, ethnicity and
photographic ability. Everyone’s welcome.
Newer members often nd that the

This friendly club caters

to all photographic levels

and has a long heritage




competitions encourage them to take
pictures and improve their skills. Before
joining, people can make two or three free
visits to see if the group suits them. During
Covid, we’re still meeting, but online.

Describe a typical club meeting.
There’s no typical evening. We have print and
projected image competitions that are
critiqued by external judges. They give valued
comments and thoughts on our images. There
are tutorials on photo editing and printing.
We’ve also dedicated meetings to genres,
including wildlife and macro. Practical
evenings have covered portraiture and
table-top photography.

Do you invite guest speakers?
Yes, we have visiting lecturers from across the
UK. Award-winning landscape photographer

4 Into the Vortex by
Margaret Stredwick A
beautifully creative and
striking shot that stands
out for all the right

1 Misty Crossing by Jeff Royce This
atmospheric shot perfectly conveys
the feeling of a busy morning in
inclement weather

2 Mixed Messages by Peter
Grimes Keenly observed, this
street shot has been timed well for
maximum comic juxtaposition

5 Against the Flow by
Jose Souto Smartly
observed at just the
right moment, the
opposing directions of
the arrow and the walker
are perfect





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