Amateur Photographer - UK (2021-01-16)

(Antfer) #1 71

South London
Photographic Society
Perry Rise Baptist Church, Perry Rise,
Forest Hill, London SE23 2QL
Meets Mondays at 8pm throughout the year. During the
pandemic, we’re meeting online via Zoom. Usually we
get together in Forest Hill
Membership £67 – full member. £45 – new member
offer for the first year, unemployed and full-time
student. Free – under 18. £20 digital membership

  • we’re offering this until April 2021
    Contact [email protected]

Club essentials


7 Poppy Field by Susan
Grimes A lovely
soft-focus effect gives
this shot a distinct
Impressionist feel

3 Eastbourne Pier by Pat
Couder CPAGB A great use
of an unusual aspect ratio to
really show off this beautiful
and atmospheric scene

6 The Smiffy by Dan
Heffernon This great
character portrait
contains bags of detail
for the eye to linger on

6 7

Kieran Metcalfe was one of our recent virtual
presenters. As well as sharing stunning
images, he talked us through the equipment
and techniques used to create these. Other
speakers have covered abstract photography,
street portraits, nature and more.

Do members compete in regional or
national competitions?
We’re af liated to the South London
Federation and Kent County Photographic
Association and take part in their
competitions. Some of us are members of
the Royal Photographic Society at licentiate
and associate level; others are accredited by
the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain.

How many members do you have?
Numbers: 30. Types: diverse. Cameras used:
everything from phone cameras through to

mirrorless models and full-frame DSLRs.

Are any trips or outings planned?
Pre-pandemic, we visited Bruges and Milan.
More locally, we enjoyed day trips in London,
including Brick Lane and the Regent’s Canal.
And we’ve headed out to Suffolk, Margate
and Dungeness. We’re keen to arrange more
trips as soon as it’s safe.

Do you have any funny stories
about the club?
A brief one, when a club member’s private
search for sartorial inspiration went public. In
an online competition this winter, he thought
he was live-streaming the entries on Zoom
and Facebook. Actually, he’d displayed the
results of his trawl through Marks and
Spencer’s underpants. It brought a blush to
his cheeks.
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