
(Maria Cristina Aguiar) #1

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  1. They Impact the

Health of Your Gut

We know that mushrooms
strengthen the immune system,
and one important way they do
this is by acting as a prebiotic, or
food for beneficial bacteria in the
gut, thereby supporting a healthy
microbiome, according to Bove.
Cell walls of fungus contain
compounds called beta-glucans,
and it’s those powerful compounds
that have prebiotic properties.
Bove points out that one medicinal
mushroom in particular, lion’s
mane, controls the functioning
of the enteric nervous system
that controls digestion and GI
motility and produces 95% of the
mood-regulating neurotransmitter
serotonin found in the body. While
lion’s mane is best known for its
benefits to cognitive health, one of
the reasons it works may actually
stem from its action in the gut,
she explains. (Put this on your
radar: Bove says lion’s mane is the
mushroom to keep an eye on – it’s
enjoying a surge in popularity!)

  1. Who Shouldn’t Take Them
    While medicinal mushrooms are generally
    quite safe, pregnant women or those who are
    breastfeeding should check with their doctor
    before trying them. If you’re on any medications,
    particularly blood pressure–lowering medications,
    check with your doctor or pharmacist to avoid
    any contraindications. Those with autoimmune
    diseases should also take note: Some mushrooms
    have immune-boosting effects, which may drive
    an overactive immune system. If you have an
    autoimmune condition, you’ll want to work with
    a knowledgeable health practitioner to ensure
    you choose the right mushroom for your needs.

Supports the immune
and cardiovascular
systems and helps
manage stress. Use it
for overall health or to
unwind after a stressful
day. TRY: Four Sigmatic
Reishi Mushroom Elixir
Mix that combines
calming reishi with stress-
supporting holy basil.
$30, foursigmatic.com

Contain beta-glucans that
support immune health and
healthy cell development.
Use it for overall wellness
and cardiovascular health.

Promotes cellular health
and provides immune
system support. Use
it for general wellness
or in conjunction with
other mushrooms for a
synergistic effect.

Promotes healthy cell
turnover and liver health
and contains beta-glucans,
which support immunity.
Use it for overall wellness
and immune support.

High in antioxidants and
helpful for GI health. Use it for
overall wellness and disease
prevention. TRY: Solaray
Organically Grown Fermented
Chaga for general wellness,
plus the fermenting process
makes it easier to digest.
$27, solaray.com

  1. Use Them Right
    Medicinal mushrooms come in single mushroom varieties or blends,
    which usually target a health outcome such as increased energy or stronger
    immunity. Use a single mushroom if you’re looking for a specific benefit that
    mushroom provides; however, mushrooms work synergistically, so combining
    them can often provide even greater benefits. Experiment with either to
    see which works best for you, but keep in mind that unlike pharmaceutical
    drugs, you won’t necessarily feel the effects right away. According to Carter,
    you should start seeing benefits of medicinal mushrooms after two to three
    weeks. She recommends a dosage of 2 grams, or 1 teaspoon, daily, but she
    suggests doubling the dose for the first couple of weeks to accelerate the onset
    of benefits. Take them in capsules or add them to your foods. Carter suggests
    incorporating them into baking to replace some of the flour, in smoothies,
    lattes, hummus and salad dressings. And no need to worry about losing
    their benefits when heated. “Some of the vitamins might be denatured
    through heat, but the beta-glucans – which provide immunity

  • can withstand some very high temperatures,” Carter adds.

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