
(Maria Cristina Aguiar) #1
Leaf blade cuttings are the solution for
plants that don’t have obvious petioles
(stalks) or stems, and no central vein. It’s
also good to employ this technique when
you would like to produce multiple
plantlets from one leaf.
Because you only need a single leaf to
experiment with, leaf blade cuttings are
ideal if you have a favourite plant that you
want to propagate, but would like to avoid
altering its appearance too much; you can
take a single leaf discreetly from the back
and turn it into lots of healthy babies. For
example, with just one slender leaf from
a snake plant or a eucomis, you can easily
produce five or ten viable cuttings. The key
is that these leaves are particularly fleshy,
so each slice has a reserve of moisture to
keep it alive while it tries to take root. Even
so, using a rooting chamber (see opposite)
is essential to prevent cuttings drying out.

You will need:
A rooting chamber or propagation unit
Sharp, sterile knife and chopping board,
or scissors
Marker pen
Spray mister

How to take leaf
blade cuttings

This medium is suitable for all succulent
repotting and propagation purposes

1 part coir
1 part horticultural sharp sand or perlite

Combine the ingredients and mix well.
When repotting, remember the
importance of drainage – make sure you
have drainage holes, or add a base layer
of stones and a teaspoon of activated
charcoal. (A sprinkle of activated
charcoal in among the drainage stones
will help to filter out harmful bacteria; you
can buy it online or from Robert Dyas.)

succulents compost

This is an extract from
Root, Nurture, Grow
(Quadrille) by Caro
Langton and Rose Ray
of Ro Co; ro-co.uk.
Erika Raxworthy

Grower’s note:For the best results,
propagate leaf blade cuttings from spring
to early summer, and remember to water
the plant a few days beforehand. The
example pictured here uses the snake
plant, which is an ideal leaf blade candidate.
But do note that the sap of the plant can be
moderately toxic to humans and animals if
eaten, so make sure to wash your hands
after handling and keep plants safely out of
reach of any curious hands or paws.
1 Start by setting up your rooting chamber.
Once the compost is in place, moisten it
before moving on to the next step – it
should be moist throughout, but not soggy.
2 With one clean cut, remove a whole leaf,
slicing as close to the base as you can. Lay
the leaf down on the chopping board. The
next step is to cut the leaf into horizontal
sections, each portion should measure
around 7–10cm in length. Only the lower
cut of each leaf cutting can root, so during
this step you might find it handy to mark
the end with your pen, to avoid confusion.
3 Use your knife to carve channels in the
compost, 3–5cm deep. This will reduce
tissue damage to your cuttings when you
position them. Push each cut end into the
compost, pressing them in to secure them.
4 Partially cover your rooting chamber, and
allow space for ventilation, which will
prevent a build-up of moisture. Monitor the
moisture level of the compost over the next
few months, spraying the surface only
when it feels dry to the touch. A build-up of
moisture can cause mould, so make sure to
open the lid (or bag) fully every couple of
days to ventilate the cuttings. If you notice
any mould, remove any affected areas as
soon as possible to prevent it spreading.
5 After two to three months, you should
notice little trumpet-shaped shoots
sprouting next to each successful cutting.
Once these shoots are around 10cm tall, it’s
time to repot your plantlets.

“The results are really

satisfying. It’s magical to

watch how these part-leaf

cuttings regenerate”

Leaf blade cuttings
work well when there’s
no obvious stem, as with
this snake plant, which
will root from the base

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