
(Maria Cristina Aguiar) #1





Makes 10
10 apples (Granny Smiths work well)
Toffee apple sticks*
300g light brown sugar
3 tbsp maple syrup
6 tbsp golden syrup
220g unsalted butter
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 heaped tsp flaked salt

Cook’s noteUnlike traditional toffee apples,
getting a caramel sauce to stick to the apples
is a little more tricky. You need a sugar
thermometer and to work really quickly when
dipping. It may require a little more effort but
the result is worth it. The apples will keep in
cellophane bags for 2–3 days.
1 Wash apples, dry thoroughly, remove stalks
and replace with sticks. Place the fruit in the
fridge (washing and chilling helps the sauce
to stick).
2 Line a baking tray with baking parchment.
Into a large pan, add the sugar, maple syrup,
golden syrup, butter and vanilla, and stir over
a medium heat until the sugar has dissolved –
around 15 mins.
3 Add the thermometer, increase the heat,
bringing the mixture to a rolling boil, stirring
slowly but constantly until the temperature
reaches 113C (around 10 mins).
4 Carefully pour the caramel into a glass bowl,
stir in the salt. Add the thermometer and

This modern take on toffee apples is a


allow the caramel to cool to99C (this
should take around 10–15 mins).
5 Have your apples and baking tray ready
and, working really quickly, submerge each
apple into the caramel, twist, ensuring all
but the top is covered and place on your
baking tray.
6 Continue until all the apples are done. You
can then go back and tidy up the bottom of

each apple: either press into shape or scrape
off excess caramel if you so wish.
7 If the temperature cools too much the
caramel will slide straight off, so you may
need to reheat and recool the remaining
caramel to finish coating your fruit.
8 If you’re making these ahead and want to
package them, allow the coated apples to set
first (around 2–3 hours); store in the fridge.

* Toffee apple sticks are a seasonal supermarket buy, or look online for confectionary or lolly sticks; skewers work, too.


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