Food Network Magazine - (10)October 2020

(Comicgek) #1

Think in threes.

Give coffee some motion.

“Two of anything looks like a pair of eyes,
so it’s better, when showing multiple
dishes, to go with three. Plus, using
three plates or bowls allows you to cover
more real estate on a wider shot, which
is more visually interesting and creates the
sense that people are eating together.”
—D’mytrek Brown, @dbrownfoodstyle

“The perfect coffee swirl can occur by
surprise, so capturing it may take a few
tries. Add milk or cream slowly, allowing
movement to build through the drink, and
take a few photos in quick succession as
the cream mixes to give yourself options
to choose from.”
—Ify Ogbue, @ify.yani

Get a clean slice.

“My mom always slices cakes with a
butter knife and it drives me crazy (love
you, Mumma!). For the cleanest cut on
any baked good, run a sharp, thin chef’s
knife under hot water, wipe it off with a
paper towel, then slice. Clean your knife in
between each slice.”
—Sarah Crawford, @bromabakery

Shock your pasta.
“For pasta shots, cook noodles until
they are flexible but still al dente,
then shock them with cool water.
Also, dilute the sauce a bit so the
coated noodles don’t look gloppy.
Then spoon on extra sauce right
before shooting.”
—Rebecca Jurkevich, @rebeccajurkevich


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