Food Network Magazine - (11)November 2020

(Comicgek) #1
hat. Is. Happening?! I’m guest-editing
Food Network Magazine! I’ve long called
this magazine “a cookbook every month,”
and this issue is no different. I’m honored to be the
first-ever guest editor, hanging out in these pages
as a contributor, writer and overall vibe-setter.
This all started in early June. The country was going
through civil unrest, and there seemed to be more
bad news than good news. I sat helplessly watching
the news on silent, crying. But midway through
my personal pity party there was a familiar shift
to thankful tears. Things don’t need to be perfect
for me to be grateful. The small things, they add
up. Everyday thankfulness is actually my key to
happiness. I wanted to share these glimmers of
thankfulness and couldn’t think of a better way
to further amplify my voice than with Food Network
Magazine. An email, a call and a Zoom meeting later,
we were working.
I hope you smile as you breeze through these pages.
I wanted to add a bit of my happiness and thankfulness
by featuring artists, designers, people, ideas and things
that make me happy. So, you’ll see Bobby Flay , my
cohosts from The Kitchen and more.
I’m also very thankful for the work of the late
B. Smith. Her success in all walks of life gave way
to the dreams of so many others, myself included.
More than ever, young people are reaching out to
thank me for my representation as a Black woman in
this career, and my usual response is, “Do you know
about B. Smith?” With her passing this year, I want
to be sure she is remembered. It is my honor to share
photos and memories from her family and some of
her favorite Thanksgiving recipes with you. We’ve lost
so many people this year, and it’s important to take
the time to simply be thankful for their presence.
B. Smith’s presence was a present to so many.

To the Food Network Magazine
team, thank you. I’m humbled
by the work and so proud of the
results. And thank you, reader,
for being here.

Food artist
Harley Langberg
made this portrait
of me out of mashed
potatoes and more!
Check out his
amazing work



editor’s letter


Free download pdf