Delicious UK - (04)April 2020

(Comicgek) #1


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Sunshine and a good fix of it – that’s what we
need. Surely this is the month when the water
table will start to sink back to normal levels and
that yellow orb in the sky will show its face for
more than 10 per cent of daylight hours. Among
those hopes there are certainties: the days are
already noticeably longer and fuzzy buds are
appearing on the trees, bringing with them the promise of new life.
Our April issue is packed with inspiration and the green shoots of
spring. If you like a labour-of-love baking session and want to make
a treat, I can’t recommend more highly the recipe for cinnamon buns
on p105. During testing, the smell emanating from the delicious.
kitchen was pronounced the best ever to tantalise the office. Yes, this
is a task that takes time, but you can freeze half the batch (usefully,
the recipe makes 18) for another day. SO worth the effort.
As always, delicious. is about so much more than recipes. Among
the good reads covered this month are the plight of bees, what to cook
to cure the blues, Ravinder Bhogal’s letter to her food hero (find out
who on p46) and the low-down on a diet that’s changing lives.
Apart from that, I have to make a plea for print. The internet,
including our own brilliant website, is an outstanding resource and
one I use umpteen times a day, but there’s nothing like sitting down
with a magazine, reading it in a shaft of sunshine, in bed, on the train
or in the bath. It’s time away from screens that appeals to every sense,
and it’s restorative. Are you with me? We need to support magazines if
they’re to survive, and as someone who’s passionate about them, I’m
determined they do – but in quality form, not dumbed-down, cheapskate
shadows of their former selves (too sad and a recipe for their demise).
I’m heartened when I see people in their teens or 20s reading a book
or magazine – I saw two teenagers doing just that on the train this
morning. They were engrossed. On p50, Yasmin Fahr talks about the
joys of cookery books and whether we still need them. Of course, I’d
PORTRAIT: TREVOR LEIGHTON. PHOTOGRAPH: TOBY SCOTTsay a resounding yes. What do you think? I’d love to hear from you...
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