Delicious UK - (12)December 2020

(Comicgek) #1
Our columnist Debora Robertson has another persona: as @deboradeclutters on Instagram,
she ‘deals with stuff, one bin bag at a time’. Who better to turn to for tried-and-tested wisdom
on how to create storage sanity in the run-up to Christmas (even if there are only two of you)?



At this time of year,
many of us experience
that heart-sinking feeling.
You know the one: you open
the fridge door and the

shelves groan with bottles, jars and

plastic containers, the wrapped and the

unwrapped, the fresh and the forgotten,

all competing for space, your despair lit

only by that chilly automatic light of

doom. There really isn’t anything

festive about it at all. Give yourself a

fighting chance of banishing the fridge

Jenga challenge by spending an hour or

so organising now, before the Big Shop

arrives. You won’t regret it.


Begin by going through the
fridge and eating absolutely
everything you possibly can
before you begin stocking up
for Christmas. Make it into a
challenge. Use up the ends of
jars: add that last teaspoon
of miso to a vinaigrette, chop
the slightly wilted lettuce into
a stir fry, put the final scoop
of yogurt into a marinade. Be
ruthless with anything past
its best – it’s mayonnaise,
not granny’s wedding dress.


BANISH ODOURS Strong-smelling

foods can affect their neighbours if you’re
not careful. Put an open tub of bicarbonate

of soda in a door shelf to absorb the odours

and replace it every few months – scribble
the date on the side to remind yourself.
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