Sometimes these hood latch plates are missing or badly damaged and we are often asked
about them at swap meets and car shows. We hope the following is helpful.
The early ’39 is the easiest to spot as it has the rod system that rotates. The matching upper grille brace
has a large tower on each end that these rods wrap around. The early ’39 also uses a different safety catch
release. The late ’39, like the ’40s, uses a large cast hook in the middle of the hood brace that rotates into
it’s matching upper grille brace. The ’40 Standard and Pickup are different from the ’40 Deluxe because
the hood shapes are different.
The ’41 Pickup and Sedan Delivery brace is a can of worms as Ford offered the V-8 as well as a brand new
6 cylinder engine plus the 4 cylinder tractor engine was also available. You’re on your own with this one.
These are not available at this time, but ya just never know.....we might make them.
1941 Pickup
What’s Under Your Hood?
- Hood Linkage page 72
- Hood Latch Spring page 72
- Hood Safety Catches page 73
1939 Deluxe
Hood Safety Catches
Not yet available
Both were made of cast steel. A typical example of
how Ford made mid-year changes to certain parts.
Some changes were made for safety improvement
reasons, others were made to cut production costs.
Late-Year Style
1939 Early
1939 Late
1940 Standard
1940 Pickup
1941 Sedan Delivery
(First 720 Unit)
1940 Deluxe
Early-Year Style
800-221-FORD (3673)