Bob Drake Catalog

(Joyce) #1



Call and get on the list to be

notified when these Grilles

are ready to ship.

800-221-FORD (3673)


1937     Car
Everyone knows when Bob takes on a project, he does it right.
These beautiful grille panels are no exception. Correct metal
thickness and a perfect fit are the hallmarks of a quality Drake
grille. You just can't make a better choice for your project. Look
for it later this summer.

Chrome or Painted
Call For Details

78-8200 Chrome
78-8200-P Painted

As you cruise through our new catalog you
will find many new items. But we don’t rest
there. We are always working on something
new around here. It may be just a simple bolt
kit or some big complex items like these.
Nothin’ Scares Us!

Like a proud father, Bob inspects an early-phase stamp-
ing of the '37 grille.


1937 Grille

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