Delicious Australia – (06)June 2019

(Comicgek) #1

MyreliefasI reachthesummitis palpable.At 6472 metres,the
view from the top of Mera Peak is magnificent, but the wind chill
sees the temperature drop to -32°C; perhaps it’s time to move on.
Although the walk back is downhill, it’s just as difficult, as my legs
have now turned to jelly and there’s still 12 hours of exhausting
descent to our new camp. When we arrive, I stumble into my tent
and feverishly remove my wet clothes. Hot garlic soup helps to
restore our senses (and is also said to be good for dealing with
the altitude), and we’re glad we can rest the next day.
Having reached the summit of one mountain, we feel more
confident about the second, but we have to make our way across
the Amphu Labtsa. At the head of the Hongu Valley, the dramatic
rise of the serac cliffs (blocks of glacial ice) of Amphu Labtsa are
breathtaking but dangerous. Ferrying our equipment across takes
considerable time and is a real team effort as we navigate over the
glaciated pass at almost 5800 metres. The views of Everest in the
distance are spectacular, but we keep moving, descending via
fixed ropes to the snow basins below.

IslandPeak is in strong contrast to Mera Peak. Though not quite
as high, it is a steeper and more technical climb. Another ‘alpine
start’ begins with a scramble over rocky terrain. A snow ramp
leads us to the upper snow fields and, once again, we fix ropes
just as the sun rises. We navigate our way around crevasses until
we reach the base of the summit. The final push up leaves us
exhausted, but the views are jaw-dropping and the warmth of the
sun means we can stay a little longer this time.
As we make our way back down, we are elated by the sense
of achievement and the knowledge that we are returning to
civilisation. On arrival in Kathmandu, a little worse for wear,
the local beer has never tasted better.
More than anything, this expedition made me understand that
happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in what you do
togetthereandeverything you learn along the way.

Lennox celebrates reaching
the summit of Mera Peak; the
view from a camp off Mera La
saddle. BELOW: the long
snow-covered trek back
down from the top of Mera.








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