
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

6 trace(rtti);
7 }
8 }

8.5.1 RTTI structure....................................

General type information
path:The type path (3.7) of the type.

module: The type path of the module (3.7) containing the type.

file:The full slash path of the .hx file containing the type. This might benullin case there is no
such file, e.g. if the type is defined through a macro ( 9 ).
params:An array of strings representing the names of the type parameters (3.2) the type has. As
of Haxe 3.2.0, this does not include the constraints (3.2.1).

doc:The documentation of the type. This information is only available if the compiler flag (6.1)
-D use_rtti_docwas in place. Otherwise, or if the type has no documentation, the
value isnull.

isPrivate: Whether or not the type is private (3.7.1).
platforms:A list of strings representing the targets where the type is available.

meta:The meta data the type was annotated with.

Class type information
isExtern:Whether or not the class is extern (6.2).

isInterface:Whether or not the class is actually an interface (2.3.3).
superClass:The class’ parent class defined by its type path and list of type parameters.

interfaces:The list of interfaces defined by their type path and list of type parameters.

fields: The list of member class fields ( 4 ), described inClass field information(Section 8.5.1).

statics:The list of static class fields, described inClass field information(Section 8.5.1).
tdynamic:The type which is dynamically implemented (2.7.2) by the class, ornullif no such
type exists.

Enum type information
isExtern:Whether or not the enum is extern (6.2).

constructors:The list of enum constructors.

Abstract type information
to: An array containing the defined implicit to casts (2.8.1).

from:An array containing the defined implicit from casts (2.8.1).
impl:The class type information (8.5.1) of the implementing class.

athis:The underlying type (2.8) of the abstract.
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