
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Class field information

name: The name of the field.

type: The type of the field.

isPublic:Whether or not the field is public (4.4.1).

isOverride:Whether or not the field overrides (4.4.4) another field.

doc:The documentation of the field. This information is only available if the compiler flag (6.1)
-D use_rtti_docwas in place. Otherwise, or if the field has no documentation, the
value isnull.

get: The read access behavior (4.2) of the field.

set:The write access behavior (4.2) of the field.


params:An array of strings representing the names of the type parameters (3.2) the field has. As
of Haxe 3.2.0, this does not include the constraints (3.2.1).

platforms:A list of strings representing the targets where the field is available.

meta:The meta data the field was annotated with.

line:The line number where the field is defined. This information is only available if the field
has an expression. Otherwise the value isnull.

overloads:The list of available overloads for the fields, ornullif no overloads exists.

Enum constructor information

name: The name of the constructor.

args: The list of arguments the constructor has, ornullif no arguments are available.

doc:The documentation of the constructor. This information is only available if the compiler
flag (6.1)-D use_rtti_docwas in place. Otherwise, or if the constructor has no docu-
mentation, the value isnull.

platforms:A list of strings representing the targets where the constructor is available.

meta:The meta data the constructor was annotated with.

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