
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
5 }

6 }

Thebuildmethod ofTestBuildingMacroperforms three steps:

1.It obtains the build fields usingContext.getBuildFields().

2.It declares a newhaxe.macro.expr.Fieldfield using thefuncNamemacro argument
as field name. This field is aStringvariable (4.1) with a default value"my default"
(from thekindfield) and is public and static (from theaccessfield).

3.It adds the new field to the build field array and returns it.

This macro is argument to the@:buildmetadata on theMainclass. As soon as this type is
required, the compiler does the following:

1.It parses the module file, including the class fields.

2.It sets up the type, including its relation to other types through inheritance (2.3.2) and
interfaces (2.3.3).

3.It executes the type-building macro according to the@:buildmetadata.

4.It continues typing the class normally with the fields returned by the type-building macro.

This allows adding and modifying class fields at will in a type-building macro. In our exam-
ple, the macro is called with a"myFunc"argument, makingMain.myFunca valid field access.
If a type-building macro should not modify anything, the macro can returnnull. This indi-
cates to the compiler that no changes are intended and is preferable to returningContext.getBuildFields().

9.5.1 Enum building

Building enums (2.4) is analogous to building classes with a simple mapping:

  • Enum constructors without arguments are variable fieldsFVar.

  • Enum constructors with arguments are method fieldsFFun.

Check if we can build
GADTs this way.

Check if we can build
GADTs this way. 1 import haxe.macro.Context;

2 import haxe.macro.Expr;
4 class EnumBuildingMacro {
5 macro static public function
6 build():Array<Field>{
7 var noArgs =
8 makeEnumField("A", FVar(null, null));
9 var eFunc = macro function(value:Int) { };
10 var fInt = switch (eFunc.expr){
11 case EFunction(_,f): f;
12 case _: throw "false";
13 }
14 var intArg =
15 makeEnumField("B", FFun(fInt));
16 return [noArgs, intArg];
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