
(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Chapter 5


Expressions in Haxe define what a programdoes. Most expressions are found in the body of a
method (4.3), where they are combined to express what that method should do. This section
explains the different kinds of expressions. Some definitions help here:

Definition: Name
A general name may refer to

  • a type,

  • a local variable,

  • a local function or

  • a field.

Definition: Identifier
Haxe identifiers start with an underscore_, a dollar$, a lower-case charactera-zor an
upper-case characterA-Z. After that, any combination and number of_,A-Z,a-zand0-9
may follow.
Further limitations follow from the usage context, which are checked upon typing:

  • Type names must start with an upper-case letterA-Zor an underscore_.

  • Leading dollars are not allowed for any kind of name ( 5 ) (dollar-names are mostly used
    for macro reification (9.3)).

5.1 Blocks.............................................

A block in Haxe starts with an opening curly brace{and ends with a closing curly brace}.A
block may contain several expressions, each of which is followed by a semicolon;. The general
syntax is thus:

1 {
2 expr1;
3 expr2;

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