276 Educational Psychology
in motivational theories has grown tremendously over the
past decade, and it is common for many current publications
and textbooks in the field of educational psychology to in-
clude substantial text devoted to both the theory and practice
of motivation and the regulation of motivation (Alexander,
Much of the contemporary conflict within the discipline of
educational psychology can be better understood when dif-
ferences in epistemological stances are taken into account
(O’Donnell & Levin, 2001). As O’Donnell and Levin sug-
gest, there are essentially two epistemological stances, result-
ing in two different research traditions. Some educational
psychologists take the positivistic or postpositivist position.
These researchers emphasize explanation, prediction, and
control, and research often focuses on hypotheses and exper-
iments. Researchers with a preference for critical theory and
constructivism have more interest in arriving at an under-
standing of the construct under study. Because the method
used in this research is frequently qualitative, the increased
understanding of the construct often occurs on the part of
both the researcher and the participant (McCaslin & Hickey,
2001; O’Donnell & Levin, 2001). As Pintrich (2000b) notes,
educational psychologists should, however, be well beyond
the quantitative-qualitative debate. Instead, our concern
should now be on providing valid and reliable evidence that
supports our conceptual models and conclusions.
In American society now more than ever, educational psy-
chology is moving into the public’s consciousness and into the
classroom. For example, typing the term “strategic learning”
into a public computer search engine (i.e., not PsychINFO or
a similar database) yields more than 5,000 hits; the term “self-
regulated learning” produces almost 3,200 additional hits.
The future of educational psychology is bright and full of
exciting challenges. The dawn of the Information Age is chal-
lenging our most fundamental conceptions of learning, in-
struction, assessment, and appropriate outcomes in relation
to education and training. The importance of core research
and development areas in educational psychology, such as
motivation, self-regulation and strategic learning is expand-
ing rapidly. These are exciting times to be an educational
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