
(Elle) #1
References 505

eventually infect the rest of the nation” (p. 335). It captures
the generational change that we are living amidst regarding
identity production and meaning for persons of mixed
Root (2001) suggests that with mortality claiming an older
generation who knew segregation and lived by it, replaced by
an aged just pre-civil rights generation, a civil rights genera-
tion in power, followed by an adolescent and young adult
generation who are beneficiaries of the civil rights move-
ment, change is clearly in motion. Each generation demon-
strates a change in regard for meaning of race over the
previous one. Despite the scars of this nation’s racial legacy,
we still have hope. Paraphrasing Martin Luther King, the
issue is not whether there will be a funeral but a question of
the cost. We have a choice in how costly change continues to
be—psychology can have a role in it.


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