
(Elle) #1

524 International Psychology

The first Scandinavian Meeting
of Psychologists took place in
Oslo with 400 participants from
Finland, Iceland, Denmark,
Sweden, and Norway.

The first International Congress
of Gerontology took place in
Liege, Belgium.

The Association of Danish
Psychologists was founded.

The Egyptian Association for
Psychological Studies was
The Polish Psychological
Association was founded.
The World Federation for Mental
Health was founded at the Third
International Congress on Mental
Hygiene in London.

The Brazilian Association of
Applied Psychology was founded.

The Chinese Psychological
society was reorganized but was
closed again in 1966 (see 1921,
The Interamerican Society of
Psychology (known by its
Spanish-language acronym as
SIP) was founded during the
Fourth International Congress on
Mental Health in Mexico City.
The International Union of Scien-
tific Psychology, now the Interna-
tional Union of Psychological Sci-
ence (IUPsyS), was founded at the
13th International Congress of
Psychology in Stockholm. French,
Spanish, and English were the
official languages.






Colombia’s first psychology
training program, the Institute
of Applied Psychology, was
established at the National
University in Bogotá.
The first post-World War II
meeting of German
psychologists took place in
Bonn, leading to the
establishment of the
Berufsverband Deutscher
Psychologen. One of the
leaders was Max Simoneit,
who had been part of the
group that plotted the July 20,
1944 attempt on Hitler’s life.
The Institute for Personnel
Selection and Guidance
opened in Rio de Janeiro. It
published Brazil’s most
important journal, and
offered a doctoral program
and applied research
The 12th International
Congress of Psychology,
originally scheduled for
Vienna in 1940, finally took
place in Edinburgh after
delays caused by WWII.
Professional training
programs for psychologists
were introduced in Chile.
The first Swedish
independent chair of
psychology was established
at the University of Uppsala.
The University of Ghana was
the first Anglophone African
institution to teach a course
in psychology. It became a
Department of Psychology in

The Israeli Institute of
Applied Social Research
opened in Jerusalem.

The Brazilian Boletim de Psicologia
was introduced in São Paulo.
The first postwar German-language
journal,Psychologische Rundschau,
was published.

Applied Psychology: An International
Reviewbegan publication under the
auspices of the International
Association of Applied Psychology.

TABLE 25.1 (Continued)

Congresses Societies Events Publications
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