
(Elle) #1

530 International Psychology

The first Advanced Research
Training Seminars (ARTS) was
held, in conjunction with the
25th International Congress of
Psychology in Brussels.
Cosponsored by the Association
of Cross-Cultural Psychology,
the International Association of
Applied Psychology, the
International Union of
Psychological Sciences, ARTS
has been held every two years
in conjunction with the
International Congress of
Psychology and the
International Congress of
Applied Psychology.
The first International
Behavioral Neuroscience
Conference was held in San
Antonio, Texas.
The first International Congress
on Behaviorism and the
Sciences of Behavior took place
in Guadalajara, Mexico.
The first International Asian
Conference in Psychology
convened in Singapore.

The Asian-Pacific Regional
Conference of Psychology took
place in Guangzhou, China.
This was the first of a series of
biennial regional meetings
cosponsored by the IAAP and

The Regional Congress of
Psychology for Professionals in
the Americas, cosponsored by
the IAAP and IUPsyS, took
place in Mexico City.

The European Society for
Philosophy and Psychology held
its first meeting at the University
of Louvain, Belgium.
The Uganda National
Psychological Association was

The Psychological Society of
South Africa held its inaugural
Congress in Cape Town. The new
Society replaced the
Psychological Association of
South Africa, established in 1982.

The International Association for
Psychology and the Performing
Arts was founded.
The Jordan Psychological
Association was founded.






TheEuropean Psychologistwas
published under the auspices of the
European Federation of Professional
Psychologists Associations.
TheInternational Journal of
Psychotherapy,associated with the
European Association for
Psychotherapy, was first published in
cooperation with Carfax Publishing; it
is now independent.

TABLE 25.1 (Continued)

Congresses Societies Events Publications
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