586 Subject Index
Personality psychology: (Continued)
case studies and life histories in, 177–179
context and complexity in, 195–196
culture of personality, 179–180
“exploration” project, 187–189
individualized assessment ventures, 191
intuitive method, 186
mental hygiene movement, 182–183
motives driving psychologists to study individuals, 193–195
multidisciplinary study of personality (1900–1930), 179–185
personological concepts, 187–189, 190–191
professional concerns, 184–185
psychiatry and psychopathology, 180–181
publication trends, 190
questioning of “science,” 194–195
reconceptualizing goals of, 194
roots of:
American psychology, social ethics, and German psychology, 185–186
medicine/literature/”depth psychology,” 187
scientific case studies, 186–187
scientific ethos, 183
social context (importance of), 195
sociology and social work, 181–182
study of individual lives and individual differences, 179–196
Personology, 187–189, 190–191
Phenomena/noumena, 117
Philosophy, 1–2, 269–270
Phi phenomenon, 105
Phrenology, 49, 317
Physiological behaviorism, 123–124
Physiology and perception, 93–99
Picture-story methods, 287
Pitch detection (biological psychology), 52–53
Pneuma, doctrine of, 307
Popular psychology, 34
Precocity, 211
Prescriptive authority (RxP-) agenda, 41–42
Preventive focus:
community psychology, 440–443
ethnic minorities, 489
Primary mental abilities, theory of, 141–142
Profession.SeePsychology as profession
Professional organizations:
accreditation and credentialing, 548–549
Africa, 540
applied psychology, 344, 536, 538, 544–545
Asia, 539
Australia, 540
British, 262, 540
Canada, 540
Europe, 538–539
forensic psychology, 398
interdisciplinary, 549–550
international, 535–538
national, 538–550
Near and Middle East, 539
New Zealand, 540
North America, 540–544
public interest, 545–548
regional, 537–538
scientific, 542–544
South and Central American and the Caribbean, 539–540
specialized, 538
Progressive science (social psychology), 229–230
Psychiatry and psychopathology, personality and, 180–181
Psychoanalysis, 322–324
decline of, 330–331
emotion/conflict theories and, 169–171
Freud and, 322–324
health movement and, 453
popularity of, 343
Psychodynamic psychotherapies, 348–349
Psychodynamic theory (as framework for psychosomatic medicine),
Psychological Corporation, 378
Psychological forces, and rise of I-O psychology, 382–383
Psychological Round Table (PRT), 543
Psychological testing. SeeAssessment psychology
Psychology as profession. See alsoProfessional organizations
associational developments, 41
beginnings of, 29–33
business psychologist, 29–30
clinical psychology, 32–33, 35–37
community involvement, 40
counseling psychology, 30–31, 37–38
decade of popular psychology (1920s), 34
electronic publishing initiatives, 40
identity struggles, 34–35
industrial psychology, 38
pioneering applications of psychological science, 28–29
postwar growth of practice of psychology, 35–39
prescriptive authority (RxP-) agenda, 41–42
professional journal within APA, 39–40
profession defined, 27–28
school psychology, 31–32, 38–39
twentieth-first century, 43
World War I and growth of psychological practice, 33–34
Psychology as science. SeeScientific psychology
Psychoneuroimmunology, 454–455
Psychonomic Society, 543
Psychopathology. See alsoAbnormal psychology:
biological understanding of, 332–333
brain lesions and, 318–319
brain pathology model of, 316–317
experimental, 326–328, 333
personality characteristics and, 283–292
popular myths of, 304–305
psychiatry and (personality and), 180–181
theory of evolution of the brain and, 318
Psychopharmacology, 331, 349–352
Psychophysics, 2–3
correspondence problem and, 103–105
innervs.outer, 48, 104
Psychoses (organic/functional), 324, 329–330
Psychosomatic medicine. SeeHealth psychology
Public interest psychological organizations, 545–548
Race relations. SeeEthnic minorities
Radex model, 143