Subject Index 587
Radical behaviorism, 19, 124–125
Rational calculator to error-prone subject, 236
Rationalism, 110, 111
Realism, 113–115, 117
Reason, 87–90
Reitan-Indiana Neuropsychological Test Battery for Children, 293
Relativism, 110, 111
Representational theory, 110
Research design and data treatment, 9
Roberts Apperception Test for Children (RATC), 287
Role Construct Repertory Test, 290, 349
Rorschach Inkblot Method, 286–287
Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank (RISB), 289
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS), 291
School psychology, 31–32, 38–39
child study movement, 416
clinical psychology and, 416
compulsory schooling and, 415
defining, 413
demographic description, 413
educational psychology and, 416
emergence as distinct field (1920–1940), 418–420
employment characteristics and services, 414
future, 426–427
periods in history of:
1890–1969 (hybrid years), 414–422
1970–present (thoroughbred years), 422–426
literary developments, 418–419, 421, 424
organizational developments, 417, 418, 420, 423–424
origins of, 31–32, 414–417
practice characteristics, 418, 419–420, 421–422, 425–426
professional developments, 38–39, 417–418, 420–422
resources for studying, 427–428
test development, 417
training/credentialing, 413–414, 417–418, 419, 421, 424–425
Science, questioning of (personality), 194–195
Scientific amicus briefs, 395–396, 404–406
Scientific art (vs.artistic science), 339–340, 341
Scientific ethos, 183
Scientific organizations, 542–544
Scientific psychology:
American psychology, 6–8
animal psychology, 13–15
behaviorism, 15–17
child study, 12
cognitive psychology (mentalism revisited), 19–20
data treatment and research design, 9
discipline’s evolution, 6–8
evolutionary theory and, 7–8
experimental psychopathology, 326–328, 333
German psychology, 6
Gestalt psychology, 17, 105
individual differences, 12–13
logical positivism and operationism, 17–18
neo-behaviorists, 18–19
origins of, 1–3
philosophical context, 1–2
psychological laboratory/experiment, 3–6, 8–20
radical behaviorism, 19
scientific context, 2–4
mental chronometry, 3
psychophysics, 2–3
sensory physiology, 2
structural and functional psychologies, 10–12
Scientific revolution and cognition, 118–124
Scientific specificity and the social, 226–227
Scientist-practitioner model, 36
Seduction theory, 323
Self-Directed Search (SDS), 295–296
Sensation and perception:
color perception, 96–97 (see alsoColor vision/perception)
correspondence problem, 87, 103–106
definitions (sensation/perception/reason/cognition), 87–90
emission theory of vision, 91–92
philosophical considerations (perceptual problem), 86–87
physics and visual perception, 90–93
physiology and perception, 93–99
progress of perceptual research, 106–107
rise of behavioral laboratories, 101–103
science of illusion, 99–101
Sensitive soul, 113
Sensory physiology, 2
Sensory processes (biological psychology):
color vision, 51–52
pitch detection, 52–53
Sentence completion methods, 288–289
Sex differences and similarities, 253–254. See alsoWomen and gender,
psychology of
Signal detection theory, 104–105
16PF, 285
Skepticism, 114, 116
Social context, and personality, 195
Social Darwinism, 319
Social ethics and personality psychology, 185–186
Social interaction/relationships (and developmental psychology), 212
Social issues, psychologists’ evolving stand on, 514–515
Social learning theory, 211–212, 351
Social Problem-Solving Skills (SPS), 441–442
Social psychology:
balance theories, 235–236
Cold War/cybernetics and, 234–236
individual-social world (dualism), 236–237
interwar years, 229–231
locus of control, 238
making/finding social relevance, 230–231
modern to postmodern era, 239–241
movements for change, 236–239
post-mechanism/post-positivism, 232–236
progressive science, 229–230
from rational calculator to error-prone subject, 236
scientific specificity, 226–227
service to psychology/society, 227–229
social as dynamic and moral, 225–226
“social heavens” and the new century, 224–227
“a social psychology of social psychology,” 237–239
in transition, 238–241
World War II era, 232–234
Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), 545