
(Elle) #1

588 Subject Index

Society for Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI), 35, 260, 541,
545, 546
Society of Experimental Psychologists (SEP), 542–543
Society of Indian Psychologists (SIP), 546
Society of Psychologists in Management, 545
Sociobiology and comparative psychology, 77–78
Socioeconomic forces, and rise of I-O psychology, 374–377
Sociology and social work, and personality, 181–182
Soul (Aristotle’s structure of), 112
South and Central American and the Caribbean (professional
organizations), 539–540
Spatial visualization (theory of primary mental abilities), 142
Special senses, 112
Stanford Achievement Test (SAT), 294
Stimulus-response theories, 120–122
Strategic Learning model, 275
Strengths perspective (strengths of persons and communities), 435–436
Stress and coping and disease, 454
Strong Interest Inventory, 295
Strong Vocational Interest Blank (SVIB), 295
Structural and functional psychologies, 10–12
Structure-of-intellect model, 143
Subtractive method, 102
Swampscott Conference, 435
Symbol-system hypothesis, 128
Systematic desensitization, 349
Systems models and intelligence, 150–151

Tact, 124–125
Technological forces, and rise of industrial-organizational
(I-O) psychology, 381–382
Tell-Me-A-Story-Test (TEMAS), 287
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 287
“Third Force” and the new therapies, 332
Training/education in psychology:
accreditation/credentialing organizations, 548–549
clinical psychology models, 344–345
confrontations and change, 486–488
doctoral programs, 486–487, 493, 499
forensic psychology, 399–400
health psychology, 459–460
industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology, 370–371
school psychology, 413–414, 417–418, 419, 421, 424–425
analytical curricular model, 467, 472–474
assessing outcomes of, 473–474, 476
catalog studies and surveys of undergraduate curriculum, 467–469
catalytic forces, 476
context of American higher education, 465–467
curricular models (two), 467–472
defining outcomes of, 472–473, 476
descriptive/prescriptive curricular model, 467–472
discipline-based curricula, 469–472
past as prologue for twentieth-first century, 475–478
scholarship, 472–474
service, 474–475
students, 476
teaching, 467–472, 477
term “major,” 466
World War II and, 360–361

Transactional psychology, 89
Trapezoidal room, 89
Trial consultant (new roles for psychologists), 403–404
Undergraduate education. SeeTraining/education in psychology,
United States Public Health Service (USPHS), 360–361
U.S. Employment Service (USES), 375
Veil of ideas, 114–115
Verbal comprehension/fluency (theory of primary mental
abilities), 141
Verbal learning tradition, 118
Veterans Administration, 360–361
Visceral patterning, 163–165, 453
color vision/perception, 51–52, 96–97, 106–107
emission theory of, 91–92
physics and visual perception, 90–93
spatial visualization, 142
Vivid persons, 193–194
Vocational guidance/psychology, 359. See alsoIndustrial-organizational
(I-O) psychology
Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI), 295
Way of ideas, 114
Wechsler scales, 281–382
Wide-Range Achievement Test (WRAT), 294
Will psychologists (volition/willpower), 275
Women and gender, psychology of:
biases in diagnosis and clinical judgment, 257–258
clinical and counseling practice, 256–260, 263
collaboration and power sharing in therapy, 259–260
confronting backlash, 263–264
diversity and cultural difference, 259
feminist approaches to therapy, 258
feminist epistemology, 255–256
feminist study of women’s lives, 254
first wave (c. 1876–1920), 251
frameworks for studying women and gender, 251–256
future, 262–264
methodological pluralism, 255–256
objectivity, redefining, 255
organizations and activism, 260–262
psychology of gender, 254–255
recovering the past, 252
reflexivity, 255
research, scholarship, and pedagogy, 262–263
second-wave feminism and psychology, 250–251,
sex differences and similarities, 253–254, 359
subjectivity, 255
valuing women’s ways of being, 259
woman as problem, 252–253
women in context, 258–259
World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH), 550
World War I and II, 33–34, 360–361, 380–381, 440, 540–541
Young Psychologists Program, 512–513
Zone of proximal development, 145
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