2021-01-16 New Scientist

(Jacob Rumans) #1

The Inclusion Group for Equity in Research in
STEMM, better known as TIGER in STEMM (or
simply TIGERS), is a diverse group of passionate
individuals working together to improve the
EDI - equality, diversity and inclusivity - space
within UK higher education.
TIGERS initially formed in 2018 as a
group of 50 people, working via Twitter to put
together a proposal for #MyScienceInquiry, a
government initiative in the House of Commons
via its Science & Technology Select Committee,
led at the time by Sir Norman Lamb MP. The
brief proposal was signed by more than 200
individuals working across higher education in
the UK. Prof Rachel Oliver (University of
Cambridge) pitched our proposal, representing
the newly-formed TIGERS in the House of
Commons by invitation of the Select Committee.
Our inquiry, “Impact of science funding policy on
equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility”,
was one of four taken forward, with Sir Norman

Lamb writing to the Chair of UK Research and
Innovation (UKRI), Professor Sir Mark Walport,
to request data regarding research funding and
equality, diversity, inclusion and accessibility.
The underwhelming response received from
UKRI lacked the granularity and detail TIGERS
had hoped for, only confirming why efforts to
improve the EDI space within higher education
are so necessary. As just one example, the
allocation of funding to applicants from ethnic
minorities at PI level was 17% compared to
27% of white applicants.
After the dissolution of the existing
Science & Technology Select Committee owing
to the 2019 general election, TIGERS wrote to
the new chair, Greg Clark MP, insisting that the
inquiry was still relevant, and urging him to
continue the previous efforts, this time
co-signed by 429 others. We await a decision,
and hope that Greg Clark MP will follow in
the footsteps of his predecessor, recognising

Signal Boost

the inequitable environment those
within Higher Education face.
Today, TIGERS has hundreds of members
and supporters, including students, technicians,
professors and support staff. Together, we are
advocates for equity across the HE sector,
speaking out on issues affecting our
membership and the wider community.
To date, we’ve stood up for trans rights in the
Sunday Times, published documents
highlighting the barriers faced by particular
marginalised groups in the competition for
research funding, and we maintain a blog and
our original Twitter account (@TIGERInSTEMM)
for broader discussions.

Find out more
All are welcome to join us, and
you can find out more on our
website tigerinstemm.org

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of charge. Today, a message from TIGER in STEMM

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