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Our meat is supplied by Vic’s Meat (
Atayef with ashta (Lebanese pancakes
with cream) ..................................... p 124
Banana cake ......................................... p 30
Cashew & semolina ma’amoul (Middle
Eastern biscuits) .............................. p 123
Chewy pistachio slice ......................... p 123
Easy-peasy lemon meringue pie ........ p 105
Flourless chocolate, chestnut & rosemary
cake ................................................ p 105
Galaktoboureko (Greek semolina
custard pastry) ................................ p 115
Greek grape spoon sweets with lemon p 47
Halva, dried apricot and hazelnut
meringue cake ................................ p 123
Katmer (Turkish pistachio pancakes)... p 112
Muhallabia (Middle Eastern milk
pudding) ........................................... p 50
date& honeypuree.......................... p 58
Pecanbaklavaroll............................... p 123
Pistachio& whitechocolatekataifimousse
cake ................................................ p 124
Pistachioandrosehalva ....................... p 26
cake) ............................................... p 116
Seasonalfruit& rosewaterdressing,
yoghurtandmint .............................. p 56
granita............................................... p 14
(v) denotes vegetarianrecipe
Pistachio and
rose halva 153