*Offerends11:59pm(AEDT) 31 December2020,unlesssoldoutprior.WhilstwewilldoallwecantodeliveryourorderintimeforChristmaspleasebeawarethatevenif youorderby4 December 2020 (forMetroareas),ourdelivery
makingwhenordering.TopurchasefromQantasWine,youmustbea QantasFrequentFlyermember, 18 yearsofageoroverandhaveanAustraliandeliveryaddress.QantasWineTermsof Use and Qantas Frequent Flyer program
terms and conditions apply. Liquor Act 2007: it is an offence to sell or supply to or to obtain liquor on behalf of a person under the age of 18 years. Licence number: LIQP770016736.
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