Anya Fernald’s kitchen is so
full of interesting things, you
don’t know quite where to look
first—and that’s intentional.
The Iron Chef America judge
and owner of Belcampo, a
gourmet butcher shop and
restaurant chain, embraced
her inner maximalist when
she renovated her Bay Area
kitchen. “I wanted a kitchen so
lively that I could have a sink
full of dishes and two cooking
projects going on and it would
still look beautiful,” she says.
She ended up DIY-ing most
of the furniture and fixtures,
cutting apart and painting an
antique elevator cage to make
the cabinet door panels, and
treating tin ceiling tiles with
car glaze before installing
them as a backsplash. Anya
hopes her two kids, Viola, 7,
and Theo, 4, will have fond
memories of the whimsical
colors and patterns when they
grow up. “I want this to be a
place that always makes us
smile,” she says.
Butcher and restaurateur
Anya Fernald shows us
around her California
Farmhouse sink
Anya bought two old
cast-iron sinks—a big one
for dishes and a smaller
one for a bar area—on
eBay to add a rustic
touch to the kitchen. They
came with a few nicks
and scratches, but that
just adds to their charm.
Lush wallpaper
Anya loves pattern so
much, she originally
planned to use two
wallpaper designs in
the kitchen. But this
House of Hackney
palm print is so bold, it
did the trick on its own.
in the know